Subsidized AIRLINES hardly taxed using JETSTREAM since 1952 FOR PROFIT to save UNTAXED fuel, DESTROYING OZONELAYER now HALF since 1960, AND CAUSING WEATHER CHANGE since 1960, DOUBLING UVINDEX (now in corona time visible) WHICH TREATENS PHYTOPLANKTON and US. SIGN IT ON CHANGE.ORG https://www.change.org/p/all-ban-airlines-using-jetstream-worldwide-destroying-ozonelayer

OFC GOD made mankind in its own image,
that's why both woman and man have nipples, cause baseform in nature is WOMAN.
and try to refute that without any of the 26 non christian "bibles" -THE BIBLE OF 27 BIBLES (1 christian with 2000 errors) 1879 -KERSEY GRAVES from the 16-20 crucified saviors-THE WORLD’S Sixteen Crucified Saviors OR, Christianity before Christ 1878- ROFL OL

source of all (DOMESTIC) VIOLENCE and WAR
all religions are plagerism from Sumeria

Dystopia is typical religious patriarchy, we are sinners we should repent so listen to religious/political leaders or else ........ while earlier mother (goddess) universe-sun-earth-nature is UTOPIA and celebrate and worship life and joy! (and sex) Cause Earth will provide...religion and politics DON'T.

Stop domestic - sexual violence/harrasment !
Report them, NAME them, SHAME them

THATS a bummer for all those believers in MAN-god religions,
even man chromosomes came from FEMALE chromosomes,
so women didn't came from men, but men come from women,
now genetic evidence rofl ol
so throw your man sungod religions away..
.and go back to peacefull nature - ancestor-sun- and mother (goddess) worship !!

Denial is not a river in Egypt


END religious patriarchy sun-based religions (all) which brought us War, Greed by inequilaty
and also domestic/sexual violence and sexual exploitation

From 833.000 tot 3.000 BCE Mother-sun Goddesses ruled the world and religions.

Time to get her back!

The golden Rule:
Do for one who may do for you, / That you may cause him thus to do." - The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant 109-110, Ancient Egypt, 1970- 1640 BCE.
What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow,(rabbi Hiliel 70BCE)
later known as the Ten Commandments) should be THE religion
Even before astronomy/astrology, all animals and mankind were influenced by seasons(=starsigns)
For mankind it was long time the only religion, today 3/4 of people believe that still in influence of it or made a religion thats based on it.:-)

Outlined Pictures on Papyrus

You'lle find here info on astrology, the oldest religions, sex, pagan, occult, new age and more. .....Join!!
Best place to live as woman

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and so it is Christmas, New Year


Mother God, Mother Universe, Mother Sun, Mother Earth, Mother Nature

Mother Nature, Mother Earth and Mother God...like Mother SUN

cause SUN and females bring life
by bringing seeds to life...
End of Patriarchy and start of NEW Matriarchy
cause we all are born as women, even after 7 weeks men keep their nipples

* Truth shall set you free

KingTutShop.com egyptian papyrus mother of pearl

Meer op deze link-aantal youtubes

Our channel: Choose TRUTH above the LIES of religion


Egyptian Mother of Pearl Papyrus
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Losing the organized religion in western world (EN) de study (pdf-EN)
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Ancient Origins

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UN without vetopowers permanent
warmonger-members UNSC
and everyone paying its share
can be a

instead of Corporatism !!!

AGAINST eu-iazation, amercicanization,russification,


STOP RELIGION, PATRIARCHY and sexual exploitation of females!!
Cooperatism instead of corporatism and dictatorship

Femen wiki+livejournal femen+vimeo
Our God is woman,
our mission is protest,
our weapons are bare breasts
Woman use your beauty....


STOP Harrasment and sexual exploitation

Report harassment
of girls and women
  short url

Name them, shame them,
those men are not really muslim.
Qur’an 24:30-31

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