About this site > About this site

About this site -old version



this board is based on a idea dating back 15 years or more, to collect and publish all on several subjects which we think can be gathered under the name SKULL. Horror, Gothic, NWO you name it.
Over those year we have collected numerous pictures, documents, links on the related subjects.

For pictures we possibly will add a seperate bulkboard, not that you can download those in bulk ;-) but that we can upload those in bulk and not havinf to name each one...

We don't want to exclude you from any information, so we don't have grades of access.
We don't pretend to be the Supreme Council of the Higher Knowledge of Whatever Ridicilous Stament ;D

Perhaps in the future we will introduce higher grades if we find soulmates regarding some matter so they
get higher status.
That will not depend on any degree or diploma or age, but mostly on common sense and interesting views on the matter.
So if your 13, and even a girl ;-) and you say something we think WOW, you may granted a higher grade. :o

Offcouse it will take some time to get things started/filled, so be patient. (We've waited 15 years...)

Maintaining a board like this cost money, so please visit our sponsor or donation module... :-*

Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot


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