About this site > About this site
About this site - 2010 version
We don't want to exclude you from any information, so we don't have grades of access, simple guest, member and donor.
-Guests can view text, not attachments, mediagalleries.
They can also view our Goddess Bay for selling and buying.
They can't post!
-Members can also view attachments,mediagalleries and view our Bay.
members can post, but not in mediagalleries or bay or social groups.
Donors can do nearly everything the staff can, except moderation, however
we allow social control in posts.
Paid subscription/donorship is just euro 6.66 a month or euro 66.60 a year.
And yes member-donorships can also be used for your own commercial needs, with ONE exception! We don't allow charities!
No matter what status you have if you annoy others, at our discretion,
you are banned temp or for ever with no refunds.
This board is rather unique: We have facebooklike-profiles, social (yahoo)groups, public/private (group)chat, a bay to sell and buy,
mediagalleries and numerous other feautures.
People who can complete our vision of sharing, can get their own blog
whether member or donor.
We don't pretend to be the Supreme Council of the Higher Knowledge of Whatever Ridicilous Stament ;D
Our "beliefs" are based on the material in board:
The truth shall set you free.
To put it simple:
-We believe every political and/or religious system is not GOD-given,
and is not there to empower people but to enslave them.
In every country 85-90 % of people is enslaved to fullfill the needs of
the other 10-15% happy few.
-Sex ain't a SIN, political/religous sytems claim that to make sinners
of everyone and especially women, to make them second class people
and enslave/harm them even more in every possible way with honor
killings and dressing up like the temple whores of Sumeria.
-Every political/religious system drives us away from Nature,
Codex Alimentarius (food laws) wants to poison us with additives to make
us depended on food-farmecy multinationals.
-Every media is lying, they don't tell the truth anymore, just check for your countries news, the news of the countries around it, that tells a complete different story. Real news is cut in pieces so you can't see the whole picture anymore. So there's just one way: Be your own media!
The war on terror, is NOT the war on terrorists, but the war against
you and me, to get even more control on you and your behavior.
ONE trillion dollars is already spent to monitor and control the people of the
USA. (according to the Washington Post)
We've lost it people! So it's time to get it back!
BTW, maintaining a board like this costs money, so become donor or if you want donate 1% of your income :-) visit our donation module. :-)
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