About this site > How-to
Adding more info/sources to your posts/topics with AMAZON/Wikipedia.
Adding more info/sources to your posts/topics can be done thru selecting a word or phrase in your post, and using one of 3 buttons at right top line: dvd-musicnote or a.
That way you make a link with that keyword to AMAZON USA so people can find books etc. on the subject of your post.
When you select for instance: [amazondvd]Enigma [/amazondvd](a german band) and select de DVD button the link points to available dvd's with enigma in the title, with [amazonmp3]Enya[/amazonmp3] and muscial note you link it to available mp3's with enya in the title.
With Organic Gardening and a button you link to all items about organic gardening.
Best to use is button a for all items, unless you want to promote a specific dvd or mp3.
BTW we have also other AMAZON connections:
Amazon USA
Amazon Canada
Amazon UK
Amazon Germany
Amazon France
Amazon Japan
If you use 2nd left button on bottom line, you can give link to wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, link shows small -wiki supscript.
(Do not double link that doesn't work, use first occurence for AMAZON, second for wiki or viceversa, see example above.)
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