Climate Change :-) no Weather change since 1960 > Climate Change

climate change??? NOOO just weatherchange


 5 years ago  I started to look for evidence for that socalled climate change and sofar could find not evidence only for the contrary, despite the mediahype of the hypemedia.

Some of the sources from that 5 years can be found  on

There is NO men-made global warming, there's ONLY politicians/subsidized NGO(GREEN MAFFIA)/goverment and corporate-made global warming to us people of this earth presented as OUR eternal sin! Yes, just like in religion!!

and also on

which resulted after I wrote some articles in dutch in local newspapers
in this site/article

a nice site with real data/ measurments instead of models is on this  site


by Ward, Robert DeCourcy, 1867-1931 Assistant Professor of Climatology in Harvard University
Climate especially considered in relation to (WO)MAN

illustrates my view also

 CHAPTER XI (last)


Popular Belief in Climatic Change—Evidence of Climatic Changes
Within Historie Times—What Meteorological Records Show
—Why the Popular Belief in Climatic Changes is Untrust-
worthy—Value of Evidence Concerning Changes of Climate—
Periodic OBcillations of Climate: The Sun-spot Period—Brück-
ner's 35-Year Cycle—Climatic Cycles of Longer Period—
Geological Changes in Climate—Condusion.

Popular Belief in Climatic Change. Belief in a
change in the climate of one’s place of residence,
within a few generations, and even within the mem-
ory of living men, is widespread. It is confined to
no special region or people. It finds support among
the most intelligent as well as among the uneducated.
Here it may be the view that the climate is growing
milder; there, that the winters are becoming more
severe; here, that there is increasing aridity; there,
that the rainfall is greater. Whenever a season
attracts attention because of weather conditions
which seem in any way unusual, this ‘belief is
strengthened. This popular impression has often
found support in the facts of distribution, or the
dates of flowering, or ripening, of certain cereals or
fruits. It is asserted that because grapes, or com,



or olives, for example, are now no longer grown in
parts of Europe where their cultivation was once
an important occupation, we must conclude that
the climate has changed from a favourable to an
unfavourable one.

Evidences of Climatic Changes within Historie
Times. Evidence is constantly being brought for-
ward of apparent climatic variations of greater or
less amount which are now going on. Such reports,
largely those of travellers or explorers in little-known
regions, are usually based on fluctuations in the ex-
tent of inland lakes; on the discovery of abandoned
dwelling sites, the ruins of aqueducts and irrigating
canals, and the like. Thus we have accounts of a
gradual desiccation which seems to have been going
on over a large region in central Asia, during histori-
cal times. In eastern Turkestan the lakes have been
reported as drying up, Lake Balkash falling one
metre in about fifteen years, and Lake Alakul gradu-
ally becoming a salt deposit. In his work on Turkes-
tan, Muschketoff gives numerous examples of
Progressive desiccation, and Rossikoff speaks of the
drying up of the lakes on the northem side of the
Caucasus. The same thing is reported of lakes in
the Pamir. Prince Kropotkin believes that the desic-
cation of central Asia in the past drove the inhabit-
ants out onto the lowlands, producing a migration
of the lowland peoples and thus bringing on the in-
vasions of Europe during the first centuries of our
era. In his recent work on the basin of eastern


Persia, Transcaspia, and Turkestan, Huntington be-
lieves that, so far as it can be made out, the history
of these countries indicate* a gradual desiccation from
early historical times down to the present day. His
study of climatic changes in that region is one of the
most thorough ever made, for the evidences of archae-
ology, of tradition, of history, and of physiography
have been carefully matched and found to accord in a
very striking manner. Evidence has heen found of
the abandonment of successive village sites as the in-
habitants moved farther upstream in search of more
water, and patches of dead jungle show that vegeta-
tion once flourished where aridity now renders plant
growth impossible.

In northem Africa, certain ancient historical re-
cords have been taken by different writers to indicate
a general decrease of rainfall during the last 8000
years or more, the remains of cities and the rains of
irrigating works pointing to a larger population and
a greater water supply formerly than at present.
The presence of certain animals, now no longer found
there, is implied by ancient records, and from this
fact also, a change of climate is inferred. In his Cross-
ing of the Sahara between Algeria and the Niger,
Gautier found evidence of a former large population.
A gradual desiccation of the region is, therefore, be-
lieved to have taken place, but to-day the equatorial
rain-belt seems to be again advancing farther north,
giving an increased rainfall. Gautier divides the
history here into three periods: (1) dense population;


(2) aridity; and (3) the present change to steppe

Farther south, several lakes have been reported as
decreasing in size, e. g., Chad, Ngami, and Victoria;
and wells and springs as running dry. In the Lake
Chad district, Chevalier reports the discovery of
vegetable and animal remains which indicate an in-
vasion of the Sudan by a Saharan climate. Neolithic
relics indicate the former presence there of prosper-
ous communities. Again, to note another instance,
it is often held that a steady decrease in rainfall has
taken place over Greece, Syria, and other eastern
Mediterranean lands, resulting in a gradual and in-
evitable deterioration and decay of their people.
These examples might be multiplied, for reports of
climatic changes of one kind or another are numerous
from many parts of the globe.

What.Meteorological Records Show. As concerns
the popular impression regarding change of climate,
it is clear at the start that no definite answer can be
given on the basis of tradition, or of general impres-
sion, or even of the memory of the “oldest inhabi-
tant.” Human memories are very untrustworthy,
and there are many reasons for their being particu-
larly untrustworthy in matters of this kind. The only
answer of real value must be based on what the in-
strumental records of temperature, and of rain and
snowfall show. Accurate instruments, properly ex-
posed and carefully read, do not lie; do not forget;
are not prejudiced. When such instrumental records,


scattered though they are, and difficult as it is to
draw general condusions from them, are carefully
examined, from the time when they were first kept,
which in a few cases goes back about one hundred and
fifty years, there is found no evidence of any progres- ‘
sive change in temperature, or in the amount of rain
and snow. Apparent signs of a permanent increase
or decrease in one or another element have been fairly
easy to explain as due to the method of exposing the
thermometer, or of setting up the rain-gauge. Little
care was formerly taken in the construction and loca-
tion of meteorological instruments. They were usu-
ally in cities, and as these cities grew, the temperature
of the air was somewhat affected. The rain-gauges
were poorly exposed on roofs or in court-yards. The
building of a fence or a wall near the thermometer,
or the growth of a tree over a rain-gauge, is
enough, in many cases, to explain any observed
change in the mean temperature or rainfall. Even
when the most accurate instrumental records are
available, care must be taken to interpret them cor-
rectly. Thus, if a rainfall or snowfall record of sev-
eral years at some station indicates an apparent
increase or decrease in the amount of predpitation,
it does not necessarily follow that this means a per-
manent, Progressive change in climate, which is to
continue indefinitely. It may mean simply that there
have been a few years of somewhat more predpita-
tion, and that a period of somewhat less precipitation
is to follow.


For the United States, Schott, some twenty years
ago, made a careful study of all the older records of
temperature and rainfall, including snow, from
Maine to California, and found nothing which led to
the view of a Progressive change in any one direc-
tion. There was evidence of slight variations of
temperature, occurring with the same characteristics
and with considerable uniformity over large areas.
These variations have the characteristics of irregular
waves, representing slightly warmer and slightly
cooler periods, but during the fluctuations the tem-
perature differed by only a degree or two on one side
or the other of the mean. Obviously, this is too
slight a range to be of any general or practical inter-
est, and in any case, these oscillations give no evidence
of a continuous change toward a warmer or a cooler
climate. Schott found that these waves of higher
and lower temperature followed one another at inter-
vals of about twenty-two years on the Atlantic coast.
In the interior, the intervals were about seven years.
The records of the closing of rivers to navigation, the
Hudson, for example, show no permanent change in
the dates for the last hundred years or so.

It has been well pointed out that if a list were care-
fully compiled of heavy snowstorms, of droughts, of
floods, of severe cold, of mild winters, of heavy rains,
and of other similar meteorological phenomena, for
one of the early-settled sections of the United States,
beginning with the date of the first white settlements
and extending down to the present day, we should


have the following situation: Dividing this list into
halves, each division containing an equal number of
years, it would be found, speaking in general terms,
that for every mild winter in the first half, there would
be a mild winter in the second; for every long-
continued drought in the first division, there would
be a similar drought in the second; for every “old-
fashioned ” winter in the first group, there would be
an “ old-fashioned ” winter in the second. And so
on, through the list. In other words, weather and
climate have not changed from the time of the land-
ing of the earliest pilgrims on the inhospitable shores
of New England down to the present day.

Why the Popular Belief in Climatic Changes. is
Untrustworthy. Why is the popular belief in a
change of climate so widespread and so firmly fixed,
when instrumental records all go to show that this
belief is erroneous? It is not easy to answer this
question satisfactorily, but several possible explana-
tions may be given. The trouble arises chiefly from
the fact that we place absolute trust in our memories,
and attempt to judge such subtle things as climatic
changes on the basis of these memories, which are at
best short, defective, and in the highest degree un-
trustworthy. We are likely to exaggerate past
events; to remember a few exceptional seasons which,
for one reason or another, made a deep impression
on us, and we thus very much overrate some special
event. To make use of an illustration given by an-
other, individual severe winters which, as they occur,


may be some years apart, seem, when looked back
upon from a distance of several years later, to have
been close together. It is much as in the case of the
telegraph poles along a railroad track. When we
are near the individual poles, they seem fairly far
apart, but when we look down the track, the poles
seem to stand close together. The difference in the
impressions made upon youthful and adult minds
may account for part of this misconception regard-
ing changes of climate. To a youthful mind a heavy
snowstorm is a memorahle thing. It makes a deep
impression, which lasts long and which, in later years,
when snowstorms are just as heavy, seems to dwarf
the recent storms in comparison with the older. The
same is true regarding heavy rains, or floods, or

Changes of residence may account for some of the
prevailing ideas about climate. One who was
brought up as a child in the country, where snow
drifts deep and where roads are not quickly broken
out, and who later removes to a city, where the tem-
peratures are slightly higher, where the houses are
warmer, and where the snow is quickly removed from
the streets, naturally thinks that the winters are
milder and less snowy than when he was a boy.
Similarly, a change of residence from a hill to a val-
ley, or vice versa, or from the coast to the interior,
may easily give the impression of a changing climate.
Even in cases where individuals have kept a record of
thermometer readings during a long series of years,


and are sure that the temperatures are not as low
or as high as they used to be, or who are convinced
that the rainfall is lighter or heavier than it was some
years before, the chances are that the location of the
thermometer, or the exposure of the rain gauge, has
been changed sufBciently to account for any observed
difference in the readings.

Value of Evidence Conceming Change» of CU-
mate. The body of facts which has been adduced as
evidence of Progressive changes of climate within his-
torical times is not yet sufliciently large and complete
to warrant any general correlation and study of these
facts as a whole, especially from the point of view of
possible causation. But there are certain considera-
tions which should be bome in mind in dealing with
this evidence, certain corrections, so to speak, which
should be made for possible Controls other than cli-
matic, before condusions are reached in favour of
climatic changes. In the first place, it has been noted
above that changes in the distribution of certain
fruits and cereals, and in the dates of the harvest,
have often been accepted as undoubted evidence of
changes in climate. Such a conclusion is by no means
inevitable, for it can easily be shown that many
changes in the districts of cultivation of various
crops naturally result from the fact that grapes, or
com, or olives, are in time found to be more profitably
grown, or more easily prepared for market in another
locality. Thus the area covered by vineyards in
northem Europe has been very much restricted in the


last few hundred years, because grapes can be raised
better and cheaper farther south. Cultivation in one
district is abandoned when it is more profitable to im-
port the product from another. It is easy, but not
right, to conclude that the climate of the districts first
used has changed. Wheat was formerly more gen-
erally cultivated far north in the British Isles than is
the case at present, because it was profitable. Later,
after a readjustment of the taxes on breadstuffs, it
was no longer profitable to grow cereals in that
region, and the area thus cultivated diminished.
Changes in the facility, or in the cost, of importation
of certain articles of food from a distance are speedily
followed by changes in the districts over which these
same crops are grown. Similarly, the introduction of
some new plant, better suited to the local soil and
climate, will result in the replacement of the older pro-
duct by the newer. In France, Angot has made a
careful compilation of the dates of the vintage from
the fourteenth century down to the present time, and
finds no support for the view so commonly held there
that the climate has changed for the worse. The dates
of the vintage do, however, indicate some oscillation
of the climatic elements. In the period 1775-1875,
the average date of the grape harvest in Aubonne was
about ten days earlier than during the preceding cen-
tury, but three days later than during the second
century preceding. At the present time, the average
date of the grape harvest in Aubonne is exactly the
same as at the close of the sixteenth century. After


a careful study of the conditions of the date tree, from
the fourth century b. c., Eginitis concludes that the
climate of the eastern portion of the Mediterranean
basin has not changed appreciably during twenty-
three centuries. In China, a comparison of the
ancient and present-day conditions of cultivation, of
silk production, and of bird migrations, has led Biot
to a similar conclusion. In some cases, the reported
cultivation of cereals, or other soil products, in cer-
tain climates at present unfavourable has been shown
to be purely a myth; as in the case of a supposed
extended cereal cultivation in Iceland in former

Secondly, a good many of the reports by explorers
from little-known regions are contradictory. Thus
Lake Aral, which was diminishing in area for many
years, is recently reported by Berg as increasing.
Lake Balkash, which was rapidly drying up, has also
begun to fill again. Partly submerged trees are
noted as having been seen by Berg, who in June,
1902, found the lake waters quite fresh. As the lake
has no outlet, this is an interesting fact. In Africa,
Lake Victoria, which, it was generally agreed, was
sinking in the period 1878-1892, has since shown a
tendency to rise. Lake Rukwa, east of Tanganyika,
has risen within the last few years. Reports that the
Sea of Azov is drying up have been explained as due
to a silting up of the lake. Lake Chad is very prob-
ably subject to oscillations, sometimes spreading be-
yond its usual limits as the result of several years of


heavy rainfall. Such diverse reports show the need
of caution in jumping at condusions of climatic
change. An increased use of water for irrigation
may cause the level of water in a lake to fall, as has
been the case to some extent in Great Salt Lake.
Periodic oscillations, giving higher and then lower
water, do not indicate Progressive change in one di-
rection. Many writers have thus seen a law in what
was really a chance coincidence. Partsch believes
that the ancient settlements on the interior lakes of
northern Africa show that these lakes contained no
more water formerly than they do now. Some have
claimed that the supposed desiccation of the climate
of northem Africa resulted from deforestation, but
no certain evidence exists of the presence or destruc-
tion of such forests, and if deforestation did take
place, no considerable change of climate could have

Thirdly, where a Progressive desiccation seems to
have taken place, the question should be asked, Is less
rain actually falling, or have the inhabitants less
capacity, less energy, less ability, than formerly? Is
the change from a once cultivated area to a barren
expanse the result of decreasing rainfall, or of the
emigration of the former inhabitants to other lands?
The difference between a country formerly well irri-
gated and fertile, and a present-day, sandy, inhospit-
able waste may be the result of a former compulsion
of the people, by a strong goveming power, to till
the soil and to irrigate, while now, without that com-



pulsion, no attempt is made to keep up the work.
The incapacity of the present inhabitants, or of their
rulers, is often responsible for effects which have been
interpreted as due to climatic change. Where irri-
gation is now being again resorted to in parts of the
districts about the Mediterranean which have been
reported to be drying up, there the former fruitful-
ness is returning. In Asia Minor, for example, the
rule of the Turk brought a change from a settled
and civilised to a semi-nomadic state of society; in-
dustries died out, the land to a great extent passed
out of cultivation; irrigation works were destroyed.
Recently the building of railroads and of roads has
been followed by a revival of industry and of agricul-
ture, and by the reclamation of waste land. In many
cases the reports of increasing dryness really concern
only the decrease in the water supply from rivers
and springs, and it is well known that a change in the
cultivation of the soil, or in the extent of the forests,
may bring about marked changes in the flow of
springs and rivers without any essential change in
the actual amount of rainfall. These conditions are
particularly likely to occur in regions where there is
no snow covering, and where the rain falls in a few
months only. In Tripoli, the Vicomte de Mathui-
sieulx finds that the Latin texts and monuments
seem to establish the fact that, so far as atmospheric
conditions and soil are concemed, everything is just
as it was in ancient times. The present condition of
the country is ascribed to the idleness of the Arabs,


who have allowed wells to become choked and vegeta-
tion to perish. “ In a -country so little favoured by
nature, the first requisite is a diligent and hard-work-
ing population. The Romans took several centuries
to make the land productive by damming rivers and
sinking wells in the wady beds.” In an arid region,
man has a hard task if he is to overcome the climatic
difficulties of his situation. Irrigation; the choiceof
suitable crops adapted to arid conditions; steady,
thoughtful work, are absolutely essential. To a large
extent, an intelligent man may thus overcome many
of the obstacles which nature has put in his way. On
the other hand, a region of deficiënt rainfall, once
thickly settled and prosperous, may readily become
an apparently hopeless desert, even without the in-
tervention of war and pestilence, if man allows the
climate to master him.

Lastly, a region whose normal rainfall is at best
barely sufficiënt for man’s needs, may be abandoned
by its inhabitants during a few years of deficiënt pre-
cipitation, and not again occupied even when, a few
years later, normal or excessive rainfall occurs. It
is a very striking fact that the districts from which
comes most of the evidence of changes of climate
within historical times are sub-tropical or sub-equa-
torial, i. e., they are in just those latitudes in which
a slightly greater or a slightly less migration of the
rain-bringing conditions easily produces a very con-
siderable increase or decrease in the annual rainfall.

It is apparent, on examining the evidence thus far


at hand, that the fact of permanent, Progressive
changes in climate during historical times has not
yet been definitely established.

Periodic OscMatiom of Climate: Sunspot Period.
The discovery of a distinct eleven-year periodicity
in the magnetic phenomena of the earth, naturally
led to investigations of similar periods in meteorol-
ogy. Numerous and varied studies along this line,
extending back even into the seventeenth century,
but beginning actively about 1870, have been and
are still being prosecuted by a considerable number
of persons, and the literature on the subject has as-
sumed large proportions. The results, however,
have not been satisfactory. The problem is difficult
and obscure. It is natural to expect a relation of
this sort, and some relation certainly exists. But
the results have not come up to êxpectations. Fluctu-
ations in temperature and rainfall, occurring in an
eleven-year period, have been made out for certain
stations, but the variations are slight, and it is not
yet clear that they are sufficiently marked, uniform,
and persistent over large areas to make practical ap-
plication of the periodicity in forecasting possible.
In some cases, the relation to sunspot periodicity is
open to debate; in others, the results are

Koppen has brought forward evidence of a sunspot
period in the mean annual temperature, especially
in the tropics, the maximum temperatures coming
in the years of sunspot minima. The whole ampli-


tude of the variation in the mean annual tempera-
tures, from sunspot minimum to sunspot maximum,
is, however, only 1.3° in the tropics, and a little less
than 1° in the extra-tropics. There are, however,
long periods during which there appears to be no in-
fluence, or at least, an obscure one, and the relation
before 1816 seems to have been opposite to that since
then. More recently Nordmann (for the years
1870-1900) has continued Köppen’s investigation,
using the mean annual temperatures of certain tropi-
cal stations, and finds that the mean temperatures
run parallel with the sunspot curve, but that the
minimum temperatures occur with the sunspot
maxima (amplitude 0.7°). This seems to contradict
the fact that the sun is hotter at a time of maximum
sunspots. The latter difficulty has been explained
on the ground that the rainfall and cloudiness, both
of which are at a maximum with the sunspot curve,
lower the temperature, especially in the tropics. It
is obvious that the condition of this matter is rather
confusing just at the present time, and that the rela-
tion of sunspots and terrestrial temperatures is not
wholly clear. The sunspots themselves are probably
not the immediate or sole control. “ There seems
little doubt,” says Sir Norman Lockyer, “that we
must look to the study of the solar prominences, not
only as the primary factors in the magnetic and at-
mospheric changes in our sun, but as the instigators
of the terrestrial variations.” These investigations,
however interesting and important they may be to


astronomers and physical meteorologists, are really
outside the field of climatology.

In 1872, Meldrum, then director of the meteoro-
logical observatory at Mauritius, first called attention
to a sunspot periodicity in rainfall and in the fre-
quency of tropical cyclones in the South Indian
Ocean. The latter are most numerous in years of
sunspot maxima, and decrease in frequency with the
approach of sunspot minima. Poëy later found a
similar relation in the case of the West Indian hurri-
canes. Meldrum's condusions regarding rainfall
were that, with few exceptions, there is more rain in
years of sunspot maxima. This is to he taken only
for means, and for a majority of stations, and is not
to be expected at all stations, or in every period. Hill
found it to be true of the Indian summer monsoon
rains that there seems to be an excess in the first half
of the cycle, after the sunspot maximum. The win-
ter rains of northem India, however, show the op-
posite relation; the minimum following, or coincid-
ing with, the sunspot maximum. Many studies
have been made of a possible relation between rain-
fall and the sunspot period, but the condusions are
not very definite, are sometimes contradictory, and do
not yet warrant any general, practical application
for purposes of forecasting the wet or dry character
of a coming year. Particular attention has been paid
to the sunspot cycle of rainfall in India, because of
the close relation between famines and the summer
monsoon rainfall in that country. In 1889, Blanford


admitted that the rainfall of India as a whole did not
give evidence of the sunspot cycle in the records of
the twenty-two years preceding. More recently, the
Lockyers have studied the variations of rainfall in
the region surrounding the Indian Ocean in relation
to solar changes in temperature. They find that
India has two pulses of rainfall, one near the maxi-
mum and the other near the minimum of the sunspot
period. The famines of the last fifty years have oc-
curred in the intervals between these two pulses, and
these writers believe that if as much had been known
in 1886 as is now known, the probability of famines
at all the subsequent dates might have been foreseen.

Relations between the sunspot period and various
meteorological phenomena other than temperature,
rainfall, and tropical cyclones have been made the
subject of numerous investigations, but, on the whole,
the results are still too uncertain to be of any but a
theoretical value. Some promising condusions
seem, however, to have been reached in regard to
pressure variations, and their control over other cli-
matic elements.

Brückner’s Thirty-five-Year Cycle. Of more im-
portance than the results thus far reached for the
sunspot period are those which clearly establish a
somewhat longer period of slight fluctuations or
oscillations of climate, known as the Brückner cycle,
after Professor Brückner, of Beme, who has made a
careful investigation of the whole subject of climatic
changes and finds evidence of a thirty-five-year


periodicity in temperature and rainfall. Brückner
began with the long-period oscillations in the level
of the Caspian Sea. He then investigated the levels
of the rivers flowing into the Caspian, and next the
dates of the opening and closing of the rivers of the
Russian Empire, and finally extended his study over
a considerable part of the world, including data con-
cerning mean temperatures, rainfall, grape harvest,
severe winters, and the like. The dates of opening
and closing of Russian rivers go back in one case to
1559; the dates of rintage to the end of the fourteenth
century, and the records of severe winters to about
1000 a.d. In a cycle whose average length is thirty-
five years there comes a series of years which are
somewhat cooler and also more rainy, and then a
series of years which are somewhat warmer and drier.
Brückner has found that the price of grain averages
18 per cent. higher in the wetter lustrum than in the
drier. This thirty-five-year period is not to be
thought of as being a perfectly systematic recur-
rence, in exactly that term of years. The interval in
some cases is twenty years; in others, it is fifty. The
average interval between two cool and moist, or warm
and dry periods, is about thirty-five years. More-
over, not only the intervals, but the intensities of the
individual periods vary. The mean amplitude of the
temperature fluctuation, based on large numbers of
data, is a little less than 2°, which makes it greater
than that obtained by Koppen for the sunspot period,
and it is natural to expect it at a maximum in


Continental climates. The fluctuations in rainfall,
also, are more marked in interiors than on coasts.
The general mean amplitude is 12 per cent., or, ex-
cluding exceptional districts, 24 per cent. In western
Siberia more than twice as much rain may fall in wet
as in dry periods. Regions whose normal rainfall is
small are thus most affected. In years of minimum
precipitation they may become uninhabitable, and
the population may be forced to move away, perhaps
never returning, and allowing towns and irrigating
works to fall to decay. Slight fluctuations in rain-
fall are most critical in regions having a normal
precipitation barely sufficiënt for agriculture. The
extent of land cultivated, and the returns of agricul-
ture here fluctuate directly with the temporary in-
crease or decrease of rainfall. A supplementary
study of the newer rainfall observations for Russia
and for the United States, as well as for certain sta-
tions in central Europe and eastern Siberia, has given
Brückner satisfactory conflrmation of his earlier
condusions in the fact that he finds a decrease of rain-
fall over these districts as a whole, beginning about
the middle of the decade 1880-90. The time of the
“boom” in western Kansas and Nebraska, and in
eastern Colorado, in the decade 1880-90, followed
one of Brückner’s wet periods, and the collapse of
the “boom” came when the drier period advanced.
Farmers who went out onto the high plains in the
years of slightly greater rainfall preceding the boom,
and who lost all their Capital, and more too, in the


vain attempt to raise their grain in the years which
followed, could with difficulty be convinced that the
climate of the plains had not permanently changed
for the worse. The impression left upon their
minds, and upon the mind of anyone who saw the
country later, was one of decreasing rainfall, unsuc-
cessful agriculture, and financial ruin. Within more
recent years, in this same region of Kansas, with a
somewhat increased rainfall during a wetter cycle,
but without any permanent change to a wetter cli-
mate, the intelligent choice of cereals better adapted
to the soil and climate, and the rational use of the
available water supply, have wrought a wonderful
change in the aspect and economie value of the state,
The following table shows the characters and dates
of Brückner’s periods:























Interesting confirmation of Brückner’s thirty-five-
year period has been found by Richter in the varia-
tions of the Swiss glaciers, but as these glaciers differ
in length, they do not all advance and retreat at the
same time. The advance is seen during the cold and
damp periods. Supan has pointed out that the
Brückner periods appear to hold good in the south
polar regions. And Hann’s study of the monthly
and annual means of rainfall at Padua (1725-1900),
Klagenfurt (1818-1900), and Milan (1764-1900)


brings to light an altemation of wet and dry periods
in harmony with the thirty-five-year cycle. It should
be noted that Brückner has found certain districts
in which the phases and epochs of the climatic cycle
are exactly reversed. These exceptional districts are
almost altogether limited to marine climates. There
is thus a sort of compensation between oceans and
continents. The rainier periods on the continents
are accompanied by relatively low pressures, while
the pressures are high and the period dry over the
oceans, and vice versa. The cold and rainy periods
are also marked by a decrease in all pressure differ-
ences. It is obvious that changes in the general dis-
tribution of atmospheric pressures over extended
areas, of the great centres of high and low pressure,
are closely associated with fluctuations in tempera-
ture and rainfall. An oscillation of a few hundred
miles one way or another may mean the difference
between drought and plentiful rainfall over extended
areas. These changes in pressure distribution must
in some way be associated with changes in the gen-
eral circulation of the atmosphere, and these again
must depend upon some extemal controlling cause,
or causes. W. J. S. Lockyer has called attention to
the fact that there seems to be a periodicity of about
thirty-five years in solar activity, and that' this cor-
responds with the Brückner period. This longer
cycle, underlying the sunspot period, alters the time
of occurrence of the sunspot maxima in relation to
the preceding sunspot minima. He makes out


three periods in solar activity, of between three and
four years, about eleven, and about thirty-five years,
respeetively. These are related as 1:3:9.

It is clear that the existence of a thirty-five-year
period will account for many of the views that have
been advanced in favour of a Progressive change of
climate. A succession of a few years wetter or drier
than the normal is likely to lead to the conclusion
that the change is permanent. Accurate observations,
extending over as many years as possible, and dis-
cussed without prejudice, are necessary before any
condusions are drawn. Observations for one sta-
tion during the wetter part of a cycle should not be
compared with observations for another station dur-
ing the drier part of the same, or of another cycle.

Climatic Cycles of Longer Period. There are
evidences of longer climatic cycles than eleven or
thirty-five years. Brückner calls attention to the
fact that sometimes two of his periods seem to merge
into one. Richter shows much the same thing for the
Alpine gladers. James Geikie, in Scotland, has
brought forward evidence of several climatic changes
in post-glacial times. Blytt, in Norway and Sweden,
finds some botanical evidence of four great climatic
waves since the last glacial period. Brögger esti-
mates that a mean annual temperature between 8°
and 4° higher than the present was found in the Chris-
tiana Fjord in post-glacial time. Lorié, in Holland,
finds confirmation of Blytt’s views. Gradmann, on
botanical evidence, believes in a warmer climate in


central Europe after the last ice age, and then a cooler
onet Clough concludes that a three-hundred-year
cycle exists in solar and terrestrial phenomena, the
thirty-six-year cycle being, as it were, superimposed
upon the longer one. Kingsmill reports a period-
icity of three hundred years in droughts and famines
in northem China. And so on. As yet, nothing
sufficiently definite to warrant discussion here has
been brought forward.

Geological Change» in Climate. Changes of cli-
mate in the geological past are known with absolute
certainty to have taken place; periods of glacial in-
vasions, as well as periods of more genial conditions.
The evidence and the causes of these changes have
been discussed and re-discussed, by writers almost
without number, and from all points of view.
Changes in the intensity of insolation; in the sun it-
self; in the conditions of the earth’s atmosphere; in
the astronomical relations of earth and sun; in the
distribution of land and water; in the position of
the earth’s axis; in the altitude of the land; in the
presence of volcanic dust—changes now in cosmic,
now in terrestrial conditions—have been suggested,
combatted, put forward again. None of these hypo-
theses has prevailed in preference to others. No
actual proof of the correctness of this or that theorv
has been brought forward. No general agreement
has been reached. Under these conditions, and in
view of the fact that practical climatology is con-
cerned with climatic changes, not of the geological


past but of the historical present, this portion of our
subject may be dismissed with this brief mention.

Conclusion. There is a widespj-ead popular belief
in permanent, Progressive changes of climate during
a generation or two. This belief is not supported by
the facts of meteorological record. Abundant evi-
dence has been adduced in favour of secular changes
of climate in historical times. Much of this is un-
trustworthy, contradictory, and has been interpreted
without sufficiënt regard to possible Controls other
than climatic change. Without denying the possi-
bility, or even the probability, of the establishment
of the fact of secular changes, there is as yet no suf-
ficiënt warrant for believing in considerable perma-
nent changes over large areas. Dufour, after a
thorough study of all available evidence, has con-
cluded that a change of climate has not been proved.
There are periodic oscillations of slight amount. An
eleven-year period has been made out, with more or
less certainty, for some of the meteorological ele-
ments, but it has been of no practical importance as
yet. A thirty-five-year period is less uncertain, but
is nevertheless of considerable irregularity, and can
not as yet be practically applied in forecasting.
Longer periods are suggested, but not surely estab-
lished. As to causes, variations in solar activity are
naturally receiving attention, and the results thus far
are promising. But climate is a great complex, and
complete and satisfactory explanations of all the facts
will be difficult, perhaps impossible, to reach. At


present, indeed, the facts which call for explanation
are still in most cases but poorly determined, and the
processes at work are insufficiently understood.
Climate is not absolutely a constant. The pendulum
swings to the right, and to the left. And its swing
is as far to the right as to the left. Each generation
lives through a part of one, or two, or even three,
oscillations. A snap-shot view of these oscillations
makes them seem permanent. As Supan has well
said, it was formerly believed that climate changes
locally, but progressively and permanently. It is
now believed that oscillations of climate are limited
in time, but occur over wide areas. Finally, it is
clear that man, whether by reforestation or deforesta-
tion, by flooding a desert or by draining a swamp,
can produce no important or extended modifications
of natural climate. This is governed by factors be-
yond human control.

also illustrated btw in first chapter of





Professor of Expenmental Medicine
Umversity of Cmcinnati




To-day’s world turmoil and confusion have rudely awakened
man from his cherished dream that he alone is the master of his
own destiny. Even the most egotistic and confident person now
feels uncertain of his sacred powers as he surveys a universe in
which war and social revolution are striking at the very founda-
tions of the only civilization he has known. Altruism seems
suddenly to have given way to the rule of might, with humanity
slipping back toward another Dark Age.

People everywhere have begun to suspect that mighty external
forces are at work—forces against which their greatest efforts will
prove small and futile. This feeling of futility in the face of a
darkening future has awakened in the world’s thinkers a desire to
know more about these outside factors—what they are and how
they work. Fortunately Science has accumulatcd a considerable
mass of evidence regarding the surprising and powerful effects
exerted upon human beings by two of them: climate, the long-
term average of atmospheric conditions, and weather, the short-
cycle changes which make one day or hour different from the
next. These findings are helping to put man in his proper place
within the cosmic scheme of things, for the sun and planets
exert an indirect but well-proved effect on all life through their
control of earth temperatures and weather.

The awareness of a connection between the solar system and
human welfare is older by far than recorded history. When the
first human beings roamed a strange, hostile world some

500,000   years ago, they spent long nights huddled together in
caves to escape the unknown terrors of darkness. They looked
forward to the morning, for the first stages of man’s battle to
master his environment took place in broad daylight. It was only
natural for our primeval ancestors to regard the sun with awe
and gratitude, for it bropght them light and warmth. Ages and
civilizations passed, but this great feeling of dependence did not.

The Spaniards found this feeling in Peru during the sixteenth
century when they set out to conquer a territory rich in gold.
High in the lofty Andes little bands of Incas paused in reverence
to face the rising sun and to receive its blessing before continuing
their journey to Cuzco. Everywhere throughout the far-flung Incan
empire other groups were bowing in similar adoration before the
Giver of Life, for sun worship was the state religion of those
people. They built massive and beautiful temples to provide the
sun with the dignity and place of first importance it held in their
lives. The moon and planets were also worshipped, but as deities
far inferior to the all-powerful sun.

Reverence for the sun and its satellites was carried to great
extremes in the eatliest civilizations. All phases of life were closely
regulated according to the positions of the planets and other
heavenly bodies. People believed that outside forces exerted
potent and direct influences over human afïairs, and the astrolo-
ger’s advice was always in demand. When men later discarded
such primitive beliefs, they ignored the intuitive rightness of the
feeling that humanity was not entirely its own lord and master.
Humility was replaced by a laboratory-gained egotism as sci-
entists obtained ever increasing control over their physical

This ovcr-confidence grew rapidly during the nineteenth
ccntury while researchers were piling discovery upon discovery.
New inventions enabled us to harness electricity and perfect the
telegraph, telephone, incandescent lamp, radio, ai}d power
transmission. Equally striking advances were made in the
knowledge of the human body, its inner workings, its diseases,
and the means of kceping it healthy. But the egotism which came
with these and other material accomplishments began slipping
in the last war; and to-day, when the notion that humanity
Controls its own fate has fallen into even greater disrepute, the
same science which produced over-confidence in man is be-
ginning to teach him a new humility.

Studies during the past few years have revealed that climatic
factors in life play a startling and dominating role in all we do.
Mtfn as an energy machine thinks and acts only because of the
burning of food in his tissues; but the speed of this burning—
and the intensity of his living—depends largely upon outside tem-
peratures and how easily he can get rid of his waste heat. Just
why this is so will be considered in detail on later pages;it need
only be said here that the climatic influences are real and clear-
cut. They affect man’s rate of growth, speed of developmerft,
resistance to infection, fertility of mind and body, and the amount
of energy available for thought or action. The heat of the tropics
lulls people into a passive complacency and saps their vitality;
residents of colder climates are driven onward into restless

activity, since natural conditions pcrmit their tissue fires to burn
more brightly.

Climate affects man’s sicknesses as well as his health. In his
vegetative tropical existence he is much more susceptible to
infectious diseases, while in temperate coolness the stress of a more
energetic life causes frequent breakdown in his body machinery
and raises heart failure to a leading position among the causes of
death. People seldom wear out in warm climates; in cooler regions
breakdown diseases are now providing medical meiï with their
keenest worries. The matter is an exceedingly important onc for
individual and public health. It richly deserves the close attention
finally being accorded it.

People of the tropics can be raised out of their sluggish state
into a higher vitality and more active life only when faster food
burning can be maintained in their body tissues. In temperate
coolness, on the other hand, ways must be found for reducing the
stress of life and conserving the body machinery if we are to halt
the rising rate of breakdown which now threatens civilization’s
advance. Too many of society’s most progressive and valuable
individuals are now succumbing just as they reach their most
Creative period.

Weather changes affect man also, but somewhat differently
from climate. In many regions of the earth he has almost no
weather problem to face; sudden variations in temperature and
pressure seldom occur because cyclonic storms are lacking—only
the climatic and seasonai infiuences are left. Violent and fre-
quent storms bring to other regions major weather problems,
with sudden atmospheric changes which rack body and mind.
In the earth’s most active storm beits this turbulence becomes a
very important factor of existence, adding spice to life but at the
same time interfering with body functions and bringing on many
serious ailments. Such infiuences have been studied less than
those of climate and cannot be discussed in as much detail. It
should be kept in mind, however, that the two work together
upon man in many regions. In between weather and climate
come the seasons. They too are potent health factors—absent,
of course, in the tropics.

The picture of these forces acting upon man is a fascinating
one, still blurred in places, but with its main outlines clear-cut
and definite. The sun does far more than merely provide day-
light and the special forms of radiant energy needed by all grow-
ing things. Through its influence over world weather and
climatic characteristics it dominates many other phases of
human activity. Since the planets seem to be at the basis of
changes in the sun’s influence, we now begin to see man in his
true relation to the solar system. He is not the independent
master of his own life as he so fondly believed a few decades ago,
but instead is pushed hither and yon by larger outside forces.
He could learn a great deal from primitive sun-worshippers, for
he is still a veritable pawn of the universe.


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