Author Topic: Symbolism in relation to religion Hannay, James Ballantyne 1912  (Read 26192 times)

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Re: Symbolism in relation to religion Hannay, James Ballantyne 1912
« Reply #60 on: March 04, 2018, 04:12:20 PM »

Jerome condemned change, yet h
Flood and Solstice -   -   - 196

Flood, contradictory Accounts of 12
Flood, Hebrew and Babylonian

Accounts compared -   - 204

In 1876, great wave came in 200
miles and drowned 215,000
men. Similar castastrophe in
Cuneiform, about 2000 b.c.
Such floods form foundation

for Flood stories , -   - 204

Floods in Babylonia, river and

sea   ...   204-5

Floods, Hindu   -   -   204-5

Floods, Chinese   -   -   204-5

Floods, Parsee   -   -   204-5

Floods,   Zend   A vesta -   204-5

Floods, Greeks -   204-5

Floods,   Kelts   ...   204-5

Floods,   Scandinavians -   204-5

Floods, Mexicans   -   -   204-5

Floods, Hebrews, two accounts - 195
Flood impossible, no water to
raise ocean more than 10
inches   -   -   -   -9 5

Flooding altars with water -   51

Floralia   -   -   -   - 92

Folk lore, founded on Sun Myths no
Forbidden fruit -   - 173-180

Foreign gods imposed on Hebrews 228
Foreign gods imposed on Saxons


Foreign words used for Phallic
terms as Native words
sound indecent   26, 89, 140

Foreign Priests teach the Hebrews

14$, 228

Foreskins as price of wife (David) 236
Forlong 99, 101,105, 128, 147* *49» 256
Forlong, Rivers of Life, Diet.
Relg. 6, 24, 25, 42, 58, 62,

84, 88. 139, 149
Fornicalia -   -   -   - 92

Forty, Holy Number   - 196, 265

Frazer, J. G., Golden Bough 7, 220



Free Church Creed, Scotland   - s 82

Freia, the free one ... 234

Friday changed from joy to mourn-
ing .............................292

Friday, joyful under venus, but sad
under Jesus -
Friday, Woman* s day, turned into
Death day


-   292

-   48

Fruit of every tree allowed, no for-
bidden fruit at first -   - 173

Fruit forbidden -   - 173-176

“ Fruitful and multiply" chief

command -   -   - 243

Fruitful and Multiply Command-
ment -   172

Future Life, no mention in Old
Testament (Sayce) -   - 143


Galilee, Galil, circle, chirchle, or

Church -   -   -   - 336

Gates of Gaza -   264

Gautama Buddha tonsured - 256
Gay Ribbons on Phallic emblems

44, 57. 58. 229
Gaza, gates of ... 264
Geddes,Alexander, Bible Critic - 152
Geduth, see Eduth -
Gemini, The Twins -   -   118,   126

Genesis 2nd, many verses Baby-
lonian -   141

Genesis, Gosmogony Babylonian 145
Genesis, early chapter Song of
Solomon and Ezekiel equally
Phallic, not fit to be read 240
Genesis, Geddes's criticism- - 152
Generative act in Eden -   -   23

Genitals, cause of all evil, Attis - 184
German language retains old
Phallic words 82, 234, 235
Germanic, Phallic Column - 92
Ghi, melted butter, for anointing 90
Ghost, Bishop Casting out -   14

Ghost, Holy 162, 163, 164, 275, 322
Guides to reading Bible -   -   13

Ginsburg, Dr, (Masorah) -   -   144

Glover on early biographies of

J%esus ...   - 274

Glover on Tree worship -   -   17

Glover on Lares ana Penates
anointing -   89-90

God cannot be separated
from Phenomena around us,

“ Don't know " is only pos-
sible position. ... 335
God cannot create without female 24
God, Character of   210

God identical with man -   -   22

God in Bible, mistranslation 12,

158, 160

0 God-in-man" "should be
" Good-in-man"   -   -   344


“ God's spell" tike Witch's spell
(Gospel)   -   -   -   - 139

God, Lord, tree, stump, post, pil-
lar, and Phallus are the same 154
God male and female (double
sexed)   -   -   -   - 172

God, Male and female   -   -   23

God, male, a mere Satelite.

Female, supreme - 102, 163
God, man's first, fear   -   -   4

God, Mother of   - 23

God names as peoples' names - 241
God names, derivation and de-
velopment -   153—157, 240, 241

God of the Hebrew Bible   -   -   210

God, Spirit of, female -   -   -   25

God, singular and plural:   -   15,   160

God within us, and Good within us - 344
Godlets in Christian Creed -   -158

Gods all have Phallic basis -   -   100

Gods all had female counterparts -275
Gods are their own fathers -   *136

Gods created every   day   by Ptah

Totumen -   -   -   -   112

God's day is Sun's day in all nations 104
Gods, different kinds in Bible -   12

Gods, dwelling place, trees -   -   17

Gods of Hebrews, plural -   159-161

Gods made by man in his own

image (Budge)   -   -   -   22

Gods have wives and offspring - 22
Gods, Mother of   -   -   -   23

Gods, pagan, as Christian Saints- 330
Gods suckled by their wives 136-163
God's Truth, fixed by majority of

votes .... 341
Goddess, none in Hebrew Heaven 165
Goddesses of Love   -   -   -   163

Goddess with Lingam, China and

Japan .... 103
Gold of that land was good -   -   176

Golden calf, leaping naked, Bosh-

eth   ....   224

Golden Rule -   -   -   99,   3 50

Goldziher ...   196,   291

Goldziher, Mythology amongst

the Hebrew   6

Goldziher on Cain's posterity.

Sun Myths ... 291
Good food, good clothes, good
houses, watchword of religion
of man .... 354
Gopis, Siva's mistresses   -   -   35

Gospels are not history   -   -   315

Gospels written by men who had

never been in Palestine - 317
Gotama's beautiful teaching, basis
of that of Jesus -   - 269-271

Gould, Rev. S. Baring, on Bible

teaches popery ... 272
Graham—Galichu Tree   -   -   17

Grave clothes priests   -   -   249

Grave stones, Phallic signs on - 29
Great Pan is dead (pantheon no
longer betiteved in)   -   -   346



Great sacrifice, sexual act -   -46

Greece, Name Phallus originated

there .... 104
Greek and Roman Phallic feasts - 116
Greek Minor Gods -   107

Greek Phallism very refined - 107
Greek Phallic Feasts no, in, 116
Greeks copied nude human body - no
Greeks' fairy stories, Pantheism - 340
Green Tree, Phalli, under every

27, 216, 425, 436, 463
Grimm, Jacob -   -   -   -   9

Grossness covered by meaningless

words   -   -   -   -   20

Grove, Ashera, or Shameful thing

66, 87

" Grove " had 400 priests under

Jezebel -   -   -   224

Grove mistranslated   -   -   223

Groves '‘Shameful"   -   -   223

Grove worshippers were Sodomites 224
“ Habitation of God " Queen of

Heaven   -   -   -   -   162

Hadrian ploughed site of Temple - 147
Haeckel   -   -   -   -   n

Hall, Dr., on Jewish children 186-187
Hamilton, Sir William, letter to
Sir Joseph Banks on Phallism
at Isernia in Italy   -   -   94

Hand, euphemism for Phallus - 41
Hangings for the Phallus woven in

the Temple -   229

Hardy's Phallic Pillar, Christ-in-

hand   -   -   -   56,   252

Harlot, semi-religious in India -   32

"Harmonising" Ecclesiastes - 149
Hasmanean wars   -   -   - 146

Head-dress of Bridegroom in

Festivals   -   -   -   -   114

Healthy life from cradle to grave 355
Heart, a broken and a contrite - 267
Hearts (burning) on Phallic altar 86


Heaven full of Saints, Godlets *158
Heavenly host   -   -   - 16

Hebrew and Babylonian Creations 193
Hebrew Bible, basis of Christianity 8
Hebrews borrowed Phoenician

Alphabet   -   141

Hebrew captives deported to Rome
and built Coliseum and
Pyramid of Caius Sextus - 147
Hebrew Captivities in Assyria,
Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam,
Shinar, Hamath and the
Islands of the Sea (Greece) - 147
Hebrew Creation from arid soil - 174
Hebrew Creation derived from

Babylon   -   192

Hebrew Nabis’ debasement of
woman strange, as Egyptians
and Babylonians placed her
very high   -   295

Hebrews, insanitary, expelled

from Egypt ... 308


Hebrew God, Character of -   - 310

Hebrew God Al, Ale, Allah, a ram - 154
Hebrew Gods, plural 158, 160, 254
Hebrew Gods same as those of
surrounding nations -   *151

Hebrew God, Tsur   -   - 252

Hebrew God, Eduth - 251, 254
Hebrew ignorance mistook Baby-
lonian Astronomy for en-
chantments -   -   197-198

Hebrew God, Shechina - 246, 254
Hebrew ignorance of Zodiacal
signs, made their folk lore
inaccurate   ...   364

Hebrew Grove   -   -   - 66

Hebrew language, nebulous - 141
Hebrew miracle play - 244, 250
Hebrew narrative profoundly al-
tered .... 197
Hebrew originals sent to Bruchium 148
Hebrew people loved Queen of

Heaven ...   165,   186

Hebrew people loved bisexual
worship with Kadesha and
Doves, Nabis condemn this - 225
Hebrew pottery, poor   -   -   120

Hebrew pride and exaggeration,
Colenso, Sayce - 205, 208, 235
Hebrew Nabis* religion, right hand


Hebrew Script unknown in Pales-
tine ----- 141
Hebrew scriptures burnt by Antio-

chus 168 b.c. -   -   -   147

Hebrew self-esteem -   -   -   235

Hebrew Sun Myth enacted 244,

250, 280, 294
Hebrew Tabernacle   -   -   244,   250

Hebrew writings, early   -   141,   142

Hebrew year, lunar -   -   -   247

Hebrews, an insignificant Clan - 216
Hebrews banished by Titus 70-71

A.D.   -   -   -   - 147

Hebrews' expulsion from Egypt - 208
Hebrews had no   God of Know-
ledge -   -   -   183

Hebrews hated knowledge - 183
Hebrews* hatred of feminine made
Tiamat (female) into Tehom
(male) -   -   -   192

Hebrews ignorant of Astronomy


Hebrews mutilated Babylonian

Sun Myths ... 260
Hebrews inhabited Palestine, Pala-

Stan, Land of the Phallus - 225
Hebrews liable to diseases peculiar
to want of cleanliness (botch,
syphilis, scab, itch) -   -   231

Hebrews* Phallic feast -   -   225

Hebrews Phallicafiy mutilated - 217
Hebrews, Polytheistic -   158-160

Hebrews' prophets despised women
(no Goddess in Hebrew Hea-
ven) -   - 165, 192, 193



Hebrews* refusal to admit female
to share in creation -   - 193

Hebrews rendered impotent by
disease -   -   -   - 231

Hebrews too ignorant to under-
stand Astronomy -   - 120

Hebrews turned feminine words
masculine -   - 192, 193, 326

Hebrew Gods, Eduth, Shekina,

Tsur, or Yahweh the same - 254
Hebrews worshipped a company

of gods ...   157-160

Heimdal, nine virgins   -   - 122

Heduth, see Eduth


Hell dismissed with costs -   9

Hell in hot countries, hot; in cold
countries, cold, example   - 128

Helmholtz, Vortex Atoms -   - 335

Henderson, Wm., on Hindu Reli-
gion   -   129


Hercules -   -   23, 163, 324

Hercules -   -   -   -   -   no

Hercules, derivation of name - 163
Herman Sul Column   -   - 93

Hermaphrodite (man-woman)   23-24

Hermes   -   -   -   -   84

Hermes Aphrodite   -   -   -   23

Hermes is Logos   -   -   -135

Hermes is Phallus   -   - 24

Hermes and Jesus   -   -   135

Hero of Alexandria   -   -   -   119

Herodotus on Sacrifice or Vir-
ginity   -   -   -   184,   226

Herodotus on Queen of Heaven - 332
Herodotus, Tonsure represented
Phallic mutilation of Bacchus
(Sun's loss of power in
Winter)   -   -   -   - 256

Herschel, Sir John   -   - 340

Herzog -   -   -   -   - 143

Hesus the Mighty in Europe.

Made Roman's task easy - 317


Hexapla lost -   200

Hexapla, Origen's -   200

Hibbert lecturer says Eucharist
was debasing licentiousness
and sanctified lust -   - 316

Hibbert Lecturer, Sun Worship - 130
Hieroglyphics, uncertainty of trans-
lation .... 276
High Priest, death and resurrec-
rection of -   -   - 248-250

High Hill, Phallic Worship 186, 229,

242, 243

Higher Criticism   -   - 156-152

Higher criticism, Sayce -   7

Highly poetic faith, fit for the
Millennium, killed by Paul and
Jerome   -   -   -   - 347

Hilkiah, Torah of Yahweh - 144
Hillel, High Priest, was Baby-
lonian   -   -   *   - 145


Hindu creation -   208

Hindu rites and ceremonies -   - 117

Hindu altar -   -   -   -   31

Hindu religion, Astronomic -129
Hindu sects -   -   -   - 34

Hislop, Two, Babylons 6, 145, 177,

185, 228, 275, 295, 321, 327
Hogmanay, Babylon and Scot-
land ...........................121

Hole in the Sky, Sho'r ha Shamim 274
Jesus and Angels up and down- 274
Holi Festival (Oman)   -   -   37

Hollwell's Dictionary   -   -   325

Holy Number, Forty   -   -   265

Holy Forty, common to all nations 265
Holy Ghost, chief of trinity, as
blasphemy not forgiven - 325
Holy Ghost, feminine 23, 48, 161,

I7L 318. 326
Holy Ghost is Virgin Mary   -   255

Holy Ghost is Woman -   -   275

Holy Ghost, Ruach—Spirit or

breath -   163

Holy Kiss, Eucharist   -   -   316

Holy Week at Rome, Saturn 109, 333
Holy women -   -   -   -   32

Horace, “ Death " is the end - 143
Horeb—Sinai story, Carpenter - 157
Horse Collar -   43*49

Horse shoe in Church floors   -   43

Horse Shoe is Yoni (Phallic)   -   43

Horus   -   -   -   -   no

Horus, Lock of, on Cross - 306
Hours, days, years, all same in

poetic language -   -   -   196

Hours named after Gods -   - 104

Houses of the Sun -   -   -   ig

Hue Abbe in Tibet (Cross, Mitre
and all Christian symbols) 327
Huldah—The Weasel Sorceress - 145
Hundreds of Phallic gems - 86


Hymns, Jesus, Mary, Joseph,

New Trinity -   -   170,   320


la Jove variations -   -   -   X56

Iah in Hebrew names means Jah-
weh or Jehovah, an early form


Iah in Babylonian Names, com-
mon .......................156

Identical incidents in lives of
Christ and Christna - 280-283
Idolomania   -   -   -   -   88

Ignorance and Sloth of Clergy
owing to Faith doctrine 337-338
Ignorance of Hebrews -   - 198

Ignorance of people as to nature
of altars   -   -   -   -   30

I.H.S. Dionysius Insignia, several
meanings, Isis, Hours, Seb,

In Hoc Signo, Sothic Cycle - 294
Ilgen, Carl   -   -   -   -   152



Illegitimacy in Home, 3160 out of

4373 births illegitimate   -   337

Illegitimacy lower in India than in

Bible-fearing Scotland   -   46

Illegitimate children of Church

Prelates in 1560   -   - 338

Immaculate Conception - 294, 307
Immaculate conception entails the
son being his own father, and
he is suckled by his wife   -136

Immaculate indicated by barred

systrum or ladder   -   -   70

Immortality, Gods deny it to man

(Eden story) -   -   -   182

Immoral questions to young girls,
Licentious poems by Proper-
tius, Tibullus and Juvenal - 327
Immortality symbolised by organs
of reproduction -   -   -   15

Impatient for knowledge, man   -   2

Impatience for knowledge gives

chance to Church   -   -   20

Impatience of people is Priest's

opportunity -   -   -   20

In the beginning -   -   160,   161

Incessant Change in Hebrew

Scriptures   -   -   -   -   150

Incidents identical in lives of

Christ and Christua -   280-283

India has still every phase of re-
ligious development   -   -   32

India, Phallism in   -   -   32

Indian Account of “Fall” 188-189
Indian Astronomy -   260

Indian Creation ... 203
Indians' ignorance as to nature of

altars   -   -   -   -   30

Indian Morality high, Oman - 42
Indra -   -   -   -   -   no

Ingersol, Col.   -   -   -   -   210

Infants unbaptised burn in Hell

fire for ever   -   -   -   328

Inman -   -   -   -   -   24

Inman, Dr., on Salvation and

Saviours -   302

Inquisition due to Paul's Faith

*klea ----- 199

Introspective Communion (Yogis) 34
” Insulse Rule” Milton's -   41,234

Io   -----   48

Iona ----- 324
Ionian Sea, ” Great Pan is dead” 346
Ireland, Evil eye   -   -   -   96

Ireland like Greek coins or Nismes
sculptures -   -   -   -   qC

Ireland. Lingam-Yoni worship -   96

Ireland, Nude figures at Church

door   -   -   -   -   97

Irenaeus invented stories of re-
surrections   -   -   -   313

Irmin Sul Column (God's Rock) 93
Isaac and Abimelech & -   - 239

Isaiah -   120, 125, 198, 147, 150

Isernia, Sir W. Hamilton's letter
about Phallism   -   -   -   94


Ish, man, Ishri, Ish Surya, Ish-
wara   -

Israelites, see Hebrews, Jews
Israelites' Gods, Eduth, Shekina,

Tsur or Yahweh, are the
same -

I star............................

Istar of no special sex
Ishhwara's Creation -
Italy, Isernia Phallism
Ithyphallic   -   -   -   41

Ithyphallic Gods, Min, Horus,

Amen Ra, Osiris -   - 81

IV same as IO, double-sex
IV is IU with pittar, Jupiter IS5-156
Ivy leaf—Phallic   -   -   - 24

Ixion   -   -   -   -   no

- 69









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Re: Symbolism in relation to religion Hannay, James Ballantyne 1912
« Reply #61 on: March 04, 2018, 04:12:46 PM »

Jah, see Iah   -   253

Jahweh Nissi, Rod of God   -   -   253

Jakin, and Boaz -   -   -   256

Jealousy laws, Phallic   -   -   232

Jealously of Gods, of man attain-
ing knowledge -   -   - 179

Jealousy of Gods, of man attain-
ing Eternal Life   -   -   179

‘ ehovah and the Phallus rivals 222
Jehovah, Jah or Iah   -   -   155

Jehovah, Character of   -   -   210

j eremiah, a Nabi or mad Mullah • 263
Jeremiah put in the stocks -   - 263

Jerome, ten forms of Old Testa-
ment   -   -   -   - 199
changed text more than
others   -   I99-200

Jerome's fatal iron rule most evil

world has seen -   -   -   199

Jerome, father of Ecclesiastical
science   -   -   -   - 201

Jerome on Baal-peor   -   -   255

Jerome's rule caused ” Wintry
Negation, Sterility and
death” (in religion)   -   -   200

Jerome says Baal-poer was Pria-


Jerusalem a museum of Religions   261

High places for religious pro-

Groves on every Hill and under
every green tree
Burned incense

Molten images, Calves
Host of heaven

Sons and daughters through fire

Sun worship


Observed times

Used enchantments.



Familiar spirits

Asher Peor -   *   261,262,263

Jerusalem conquered by Tiglath
Pileser Nebuchadnezzar, Shi-
shak, Syrians, Philistines,
Senachenb, Necho -   -   146

Jerusalem destroyed -   146

erusalem far from sea, forgot to
create fishes ... 176
Jerusalem, over thirty sackings
and pillagings and destruc-
tion of sacred records -   -   146

Jerusalem population deported - 147
Tersualem, Siege of Titus -   -   147

Jerasalem, Temple often destroyed


Jesus a Common name -   -   302

JesusaNabi, Nazarite or Nazarene

263, 279

Jesus, a priest after the order of

Melchizedek -   294

Jesus a Sun Myth variant

in, 114, 314
Jesus and Christna parallels 281-284
Jesus and John, Sun’s Attributes 266
Jesus and Mercury both Logos—
Phallic   -   -   -   - 135

Jesus and Perseus   -   -   *   136

esus and Peter, denial same as
Prometheus and Oceanu9,

500 years before Jesus -   -   302

Jesus ana Sons of Jove   -   -   13 5

Jesu9 and the Sun, Comparative

table   -   -   -   - 314

Jesus as pisces Fish miracles

280-283, 291
^ esus absorbed Jahweh - 313-314
" esus and Serapis   -   -   -   214

] esus as Bridegroom 39, 114, 123
Jesus became a " pretender ” to
Jewish Kingdom. Promised
gifts of land and houses like
all pretenders to a throne - 271
Jesus beginning to be called God,

300 a.d. -   -   -   -   149

Jesus' Birthday changed from
September to December - 115
Jesus* Birthday date totally un-
known -   -   -   -   115

Jesus born in a Cave, Dawn - 299
esus born in October (Jewish
New Year). Romans changed
birthday to the birthday of
the invincible sun " Natalis
Invicta Solis" as all Pagan
Gods (Sun Gods) were bom
on that day 25th December

115. 329

Jesus crucified on Cross of Heavens 1x2
esus entirely a Myth, Drews

«   334 & 5*I-

Jesus, follower of Siddartha - 271

- 299



- *73


Jesus, his Mother knew nothing of
his miraculous birth, (No
Immaculate Conception) * 298

Jesus his own father -   - 136

esus, human basis, brothers and
sisters -   -   . - 277

iesus is Mess jah, son of Jehovah - 279
esus in tomb 40 hours - 196, 313
esus, Mary, Joseph, Trinity, - 170
esus, life, dates, taxing -   * ~ ~

Jesus* life had to conform to Sun
Myth, otherwise would not
be accepted -
Jesus* life one year only
Jesus looked for immediate King-
dom   -   -   -   -

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, New Trinity 326
esus Myth in three stages:

(1)   Prophet martyred or expelled

(2)   Mirophily incrusts his mem-
ory with miracles

(3)   Story made basis of a creed 277
Jesus, Sun at Equinox (Astrono-
mical parallels)   -   -   284,   314

Jesus nothing more than man
Jesus Myth -

Jesus, no contemporary men-
tions him -

Jesus, ordinary man to Cerinth-
ians Docetes, Marcionites, and
early sects   -   -   278,   299

Jesus' pale wraith clothed with
shreds of Asiatic Sun Myths
Jesus same as Sons of Jove -
Jesus, Son of Joseph, real man
Jesus as Logos Phallic
Jesus suckled by his wife -
esus, varieties of spelling -
esus, Jezua, Joshua, Jason
ethro, not Jahweh, taught Moses 146
ews Austere, Christians lax - 203
ews' children stronger than Gen-
tiles, Dr. Hall -   -   186-187

Jews condemn woman for “ Fall "

(but fruit not denied to her)

180, 184

Jewish customs, gods, etc., see

Jews* despisal of women 165, 170,

177, 274, 292, 318, 325
Jews dispersed after Jesus made a
break in their religious ideas -
Tews followed common cults
Jew's self-esteem   -

Jews* idea polytheistic 140, 157,


Jews* God, Eduth, Shekinah, Tsur
or Yahweh   -   254

Jews’ phallic feast -   - ’   - 225

Jewish religion, right hand cult - 220
Jewish Scriptures, originals sent to

Bruchium Library, Alexandria 148
Jewish this “ world-liness" good
effect -   -   -   - 186

Jezebel, 400 Grove priests -   - 224



- 277












JHVH and Asher (phallus) the

same, JHVH. Phallic - 155
Job is a fragment of a Sun Myth.
Seven sons. Seven summer
months. Slain by cold blasts
of winter, next year sons all
round Job again -   - 265

, ob Redeemer, mistranslation - 276
, ob. Sun Myth -   - 196, 265

] ob's God. El Shadai, phallic - 153
’ ohn is Oannes, Babylonian - 328
] onah in Whale's belly 40 hours,

3 days and 3 nights -   - 355

Jonah like Jesus 40 hours Solstice
(led to Holy number 40)


Jonah sun myth, death and re-
birth of the Sun, Greek coins 265
Jonah is Iona, dove, rendered

masculine -   -   -   -   324

Jones, Sir Wm„ on Sun Worship - 128
osephus mentions ten men named
Jesus   -   -   -   302

Josephus sent Hebrew Bible to

Rome   -   -   -   147

Joshua's stone Phallus hears
(witness testimony, Testis
Phallus)   -   -   -   254,   255

^ osiah, Sun worship -   -   -   u8

’ osiah's Phallic oath   -   -   261

[osiah's Temple, Sun worship - 261
] osiah, Torah of Yah-weh   -   -   145

[osiah, Host of Heaven   -   -   261

[ ove, Sons of, partial list   -   -   136

[ ulius Caesar reforms the Calendar 124
[ uno -   -   -   -   - 48

[ uno, Argonian-   -   -   -   89

’ uno generates Soul   -   -   169,   324

" uno imparts soul   -   -   -   163

[ upiter, Iu Pittar   -   no,   113,   155

[ upiter had a human origin - 277
Jupiter, "Mother*' of the Gods- 325
[ ust, or Justice, Egypt 79, 140
[ ustice, Libra, scales, phallus,

balance. Phallus in Egypt 255
Justin Martyr -   135, 208, 330, 337

Juvehal ----- 327

" ‘K "

Kadesh, Sodomite or consecrated


Kadeshah, Harlot or Consecrated
woman (so. nuns and harlots
were identical) -   -   -   225

Kaiser, derived from Kisares - 240
Kaiser’s soldiers stacking arms

round and against altar 183, 240
Kalisch, Dr. (Babel story) - 205
Kalisch, Worship of Astarte,
Beltis (mylady)Tannais, Ishtar,
Mylitta, Anaitis, Ashera and

Virginity of Maidens as an
offering .... 225


Karma   -   «   -   -   -   34

Kali   -   -   -   -   35*   43

Keen or Yang or Phallus in

China -   99

Kelvin, Faith above Science   -   114

Kempfen on Kwan Yon -   -   102

Kennard, H. Martyn -   -   307

Kephalos   -   -   -   -   -   no

Keys of the Creeds (Phallism) - 42
Khuen-Aten or Akhnaton -   -   290

Kia-Zi, Kaisar, Kisares, Caesar,


King James'translators dishonest 159
King Edward VII papyrus -   - 79

King L. W. Gnostics 33, 67, 115,

170, 345

Kingdom, Not the Kingdom of
God but that of man will be
great theme and care of the
race. Bishop Carpenter - 341
Kirk or Church, derived from Circle 131
Kitto’s Biblical Cyclopaedia   -   70

Knight, Payne, Priapus 24, 26,

50, 85, 87, 88, 90. 93, 96-98, etc.
Knop or bud is the phallus -   - 332

Know, means sexual intercourse -   53

Knowledge and sex instinct   -   53

Knowledge and Puberty -   -   52

Knowledge, short cut to -   1, 2

Krishna -   -   -   - 116, 129

Krishna and Christ   - 280, 283

Krishna, wives and mistresses,

Vishnu   -   -   35, 42, 189

Kubele, see Cybele

Khu-en-Aten or Akhnaton 117, 127
Kunda Well, Female emblem - 43
Kunti, Wife of Sun -   -   - 43

Kunti, Kunthos, Cythus—Yoni - 43
Kurios -   107,   157

Kwan Yon, 33,333 images   of -   103

Kwan Yon, ail symbols   101,   103

Kwan Yon, Queen of Heaven,
China and Japan   -   -   101

Kwang or Yoni in China   -   -   lot


L and R represented by one sign - 138

Labour, Curse of   175, 178

Ladder -   -   -   -   - 70

Lajard Culte de Venus -   - 67



Lamb aries, obliterated or slain

by the Sun -   - 248, 284

Lamb on Cross till 692 a.d.. Sun
in Aries. Man on Cross after
692   -   -   -   - 304. 305

Lamb, burnt offering -   - 284

Lamb or Ram -   127

Lamb, Worship of   - 284, 305

Lamma of Tibet, Soldiers destroy

Bible   -   147

Lamps and Candles are Pagan

relics of Sun worship -   - 258



Lanzoni -   -   -   73, 77

Lao Tsze and Confucius -   -   347

Lao Tsze, Idealist Tolstoyan, Con-
fucius, Practical, sane, vig-
orous -   -   -   347-348

Lao Tsze, Path, Truth, Light, and

First cause ... 347
Lares and Penates merely stones

(Phalli and Omphs) -   -   89

Lares of Romans -   -   - 216

Larissa -   -   -   -   - 89

Larissa from Lars, Laz, Luz, the

wanton one, loose one -   -   216

Larissa, Lares and Issa, Bisexual 156
Larissa means vessel of fecundity 216
Laristan, Louristan, Louri -   -   216

Larousse, Phallus, and Yahweh
rivals .... 222
Latin day names still legal in
Britain   -   -   -   - 105

Laws communicated personally by


Leaf, triform, as Phallic signature 103
Leaping and playing, Phallic 236, 238
Left hand and right hand sects

36, 47-49

Lenticular openings indicate the

Womb   -   -   -   -   60

Lesbos medal, Knight -   87-88

Leslie, Col. Forbes, Horse shoe in
Church   -

Letters, equivalence of -   27,

Licentious gaiety at Phallic festi-
vals   -   -   90, 91


Liberty -----
Liberalia -   -   -   -   92,

Libidinous songs, Holi Festival -


Libra, Ballance, Scales, male
organ   -

Libra, the scales, is Phallic 79,

Life in Ancient Egypt
Life of Jesus interwoven with Fish

miracles (Pisces) 291 et seq,
Life, succession of, suggests eternal


Life Eternal, associated with re-
production *

Life, symbols of

Life, Worship of Tree of Life at

Light and darkness -
Light is joy or good -
Light of Britannia
Linen, Clean Eucharist
Lingah—Persian Gulf
Lingam in Goddesses* hands
and Japan

Lingam line inclosing God
Lingam, Male organ -
Lingam or Phallus, Siva
Lingam, Symbols of -   26-27, 48-49

Lingam, Tree stump apd serpent -   17

Lingam-Yoni -   86-88













-   171


-   93

-   3l<5

-   216

* 103

-   66



Lingam-Yoni Altar   •   30, 52

Lingam-Yoni altar with Bull - 52
Lingam-Yoni altar with Serpent 53
Lingam-Yoni as Crux Ansata 75-76
Lingam-Yoni in Egypt -   - 75

Lingam-Yoni, Sun and Serpent


Lingam-Yoni Worship in Ire-
land   -   -   -   -   96

Living Stones 131. 252, 253, 254, 255
Lockyer, Sir J. Norman 130, 133
Logos   -   -   - 135,259

Loisy -   -   -   -   *145

Lord, God, Tree stump, post,
pillar, Ram, and Phallus,
were the same   «-   -   -   154

Lord, mistranslation   -   -   -   12

Lord’s supper always existed as

Eucharist   -   -   -   -   16

Loss of Good Endeavour, Ruskin 341
Lotus means all fertility -   -   55

Lotus, universal Phallic symbol -   55

Lotus bud, Male -   18, 55, 49

Lotus bud on Hebrew Candlestick 332
Lotus flower, female -   18, 55

Lotus seed vessel and bud is womb

and Phallus   -   -   -   49

Louri, a place devoted to Phallism 216
Louri, Phallic   -   -   -   -   69

Louristan, Laristan   -   -   -   69

Love has no place in Bible -   - 326

Luck is seeing nude female 43, 87, 123
Lecky, woman,   door of   Hell   -   x86

Lupercalia   -   -   -   *93

Luz   -   -   -   -   - 215

LXX, Septuagint Bible -   - 148

Lyall   -   -   -   -   -   10


Ma of Kappokia had 6,000 Eunuch

Priests ...   - 184

Maccabi wars -   146

McClatchey in China, Phallic name

of God ...   99-100

Madonna del sacco -   -   -   69

Maffei, Phallic cult -   -   -   85

Magistrates issued Phallic medals


Magistrates erect Phallic emblems

in Ireland -   -   -   -   96

Magistrates solemnly erected
Phallic emblems in Europe in
Middle Ages -   -   -   94

Maha Deva, Lingam-Yoni Altar - 30
Mahommet -   -   -   -   10

Male organ, Lingam -   -   -   23

Male represented by Fleur de Lys,

Ivy leaf -   -   -   -   24

Male, reproductive organ, symbols


Mallock, W. H. -   -   -   20

Man always mortal -   -   182

Man always suffers from God's
mistakes - v -   * 180-181



Man did not lose eternal life - 182
Man gives Gods wives and offspring 22
Man impatient for knowledge 1-2
Man is God's equal in knowledge
after eating fruit (low concep-
tion of a God) -   179

Man nailed to cross, not adopted
till 9th Century a.d., adopted
very slowly -   - 304-305

Man placed adoring Cross 692

a.d., before that a lamb - 304
Man, Perfect Phallic   -   -   256

Man, symbols of   -   -   - 70

Man on Cross, Pagan -   305

Man the Maker (Gods masculine) 318
Man thinks, therefore his God

thinks -   -   -   - 22

Man worshipping Female Symbols 67
Man's dual mind   1

Manasseh, sun Worship   -   -261

Manetho ----- 148
Marcion ----- 200
Marduck, Mcrodach -   -   -   192

Marduck slays Tihamat   -   -   192

Marinetti, Signor, Hatred of

women -   -   -   187

Marriage in India, Oman   -   -   46

Mars, Phallic, of Campus Martis - 60
Martyrs, Fictitious, “ Bene Mer-
enti" changed to M Beato
Martyro" -   -   -   -   330

Martyr, Justin -   135,   208,   330,   337


Mary and Eve -   163

Mary is Queen of Heaven   -   -   137

Mary Magdalene, Goddess of


Mary Magdalene is Venus with

deadly Love Symbol Skull - 234
Mary as dawn, Mother of the Sun-

god .........................hi

Mary, Mother of Jesus, and Mary

Magdalene his wife, or love - 296

?uia Multum Amavit   -   -   296

ammuz and Ishtar   -   -   296

May, Venus' month, unlucky - 292
Masculine Trinity, unnatural - 319
Masoretic division of Bible text - 173
Maspero, Excommunication - 276
Mass of people cling to super-
stitions -   -   -   -   33

Materialists and Idealists arrive at
the same conclusions   -   334-335

Matriarchy -   -   -   -   48

Maurice's Indian Antiquities 117, 294
May pole is Asher or Phallus - 229
Maya is Holy Ghost -   -   48

Maya, Mother of Sun, Dawn - 111
Maya or Maia -   -   -   -   48

Meaningless words used   as   dis-
guise of Phallism -   -   -   12

Melchizedek is the year, or 'one

round of the Sun - 114, 260,
Mellita means Mediatrix, like
Mary -   170


Mellytta worshipped in Germany,
Britain, and all over Europe
and Asia—Holy Ghost -   - 323

Membrum Feminum, Symbols of - 26
Memorial ----- 228
Men rise again with their bodies
impossible, no carbon to go
round -   340

If bodies accumulated earth
would reach beyond the Sun
(Herschel) -   340

Mens' names derived from God

names -   241

Mercury -   -   -   84, no

Merit in belief without proof -   2

Merodach -   -   -   - -no

Mess, Application of   - 285-286

Mess means son of, out of, in the
middle of and the early ideo -
gram was a woman being
delivered of a child -   -   285

Messiah is Mess, son of, and Iah,
Jehovah, Son of an effete
tribal god, replaced by Christ,
the anointed one   - 285, 287

Messiahs, List of   307,   310

Messiahs, modern, Greece -   -   286

Messianic believers in Jesus' time 272
Messianic period, rise of   -   346

Messianic promise, Gen. 3. 15. too

gross for translation   -   *239

Metallic Phalli, of Romans   -   - 93

Metempsychosis -   -   34-35

Mexican Sun Worship   -   - 130

Miamonides -   -   -   - 144

Mical rebukes David   -   -236

Midianite women—children for

Yahweh's use -   -   - 213

Midianite Women, Phallic plague - 230
Midianite Women, Slaughter of - 213
Migration of symbols   -   -   9

Milton, no woman in his Heaven - 274
Milton's Insulse rule   41, 203, 253

Min, David dances before min or


Min, Statues in enormous num-
bers -   -   -   - 81, 238

Min was the Grove, Asher, or Baal

of Jerusalem   -   239

Maiden Goddesses and zeus - 85
Minerva -   -   -   -   "85

Minor Gods of Greece   -   -   85

Minoan   Great Mother   -   -   169

Minos   -   -   -   -   -   no

Minucius Felix, crucifix   -   - 304

Miracles asserted after death

of Heroes   -   -   -   -   10

Miracle Play of Hebrews - 244, 250
Miraculous authority required

for Religion -   -   4, 14

Miraculous Conception - 294, 307
Miraculous used in religion -   -   2

Miraculous necessary to religion - 280
Miriam   -   -   -   -   *48

Mirodox -----   6



Offline Prometheus

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Re: Symbolism in relation to religion Hannay, James Ballantyne 1912
« Reply #62 on: March 04, 2018, 04:13:15 PM »

Mirolatry, against knowledge - 1x9
Mirologue -   -   -   5,   14

Mirologue necessary to religion - 280


Mirophily,   5, 7, 19, 21, 279

Mirophily in Christianity (Pan-
theism) -   -   -   -   339

Mirophilic craving   6

Mirophilic sentiment in man -   55

Mistranslations in Bible - 159-160
Mistranslation of Bible   -   -   12

Mistranslation to hide phallic
words 41, 161, 230, 23x, 251
Mithras   84, no-111

Mithras slaying the Bull -   - 126

Mithras, the Mediator, Sun God - 130
Mitologia Egezia   -   -   -   74

Mixture of religions in Jerusalem - 261
Modern Sacrifice of Children   -   300

Modern superstitions   -   -13

Modern superstitions same as

savage -   -   -   -13

Modern Tendencies -   -   -   334

Mohammadan Religious Symbol

feminine -   -   -   -259

Monks and Nuns wearing Phallic

Ankh -   256-257

Monstrance, female symbol 259, 323
Monthly prognosticators   -   -   198

Moon changes, first called man's

attention -   -   -   - 123

Moon Chaste -   -   -   - 87

Moon's cusp, or ark, feminine 67, 123
Moon, Measurer of time   -   -   123

Moon -Month, Week, Quarter

Moon -   -   -   124

Moon through glass -   -   13.   87

Moon-time had hold on com-
mercial dates -   -   -   124

Moore's Hindu Pantheon   -   -   129

Morality inherent in man, Saleeby,

Conybeare -   343

Mordecai, Marduk, Sun Myth - 196
Morgan, Owen -   -   -   - 93

Morning is joy or light   -   -   2

Mosaic authorship -   -   -   142

Moses at an Inn, Circumcision - 218
Moses not mentioned till 1000

years after death   -   -   142

Mother and wife of Gods 48, 111, 164
Mother God supreme. Male, a

mere satellite - 102, 163, 169
Mother of God -   -   -   - 22

Mother of God, other names - 170
Mother of God, Queen of Heaven - 170
Mother of God, worshipped by
Persians, Syrians, and aU
Kings of Europe and Asia

169. 323

Mother of Gods, worshipped in
Europe and Asia with pro-
found veneration -   -   323

Mothers of God or Sun -   -   xti

Maya   *










Mothers must not be wage earners 354
Mother held in honour and inno -


Mother, sister -spouse, relation -

ship -   -   -   -   136,   192

Motherhood   -   -   -   -   356

Muliebre Pudendum, Symbols of 26
Muller, Max, on Sun worship - 129
Multiply, chief command to Heb -

raws -   243

Mundane egg with serpent of

passion   -   -   -   -   6l

Mus6e secrete, Nismes   -   - 94

Multilation by devotees   -   -   184


Myllitta, Castration of devotees - 184
Mystery in Church of England -   2

Mysteries of generation, Oman - 35
Mystics, Ascetics, and Saints of

India   35,46

Myths of Babylon, Greece, and

Rome -   -   -   -   19

Myths loved by simple folks -   5

" N "

Nabis, Hebrew -   -   140,   222,   225

Nabis condemn Baal-peor wor-
ship ----- 239
Nabis dare not attack idolatry of

Solomon's wives   -   -   237

Nabis, detestation of woman - 165
Nabis in opposition -   -   •   263

Nabis, excitable Mullahs, so ex-
citable that overseers had to
be appointed -   263

Nabis favour Eduth worship - 224
Nabis or Hebrew prophets -   -   38

Nabis or Naziris (Scoldings) - 263
Nabis punished, put in Stocks - 263
Nabis* Religion, Right hand Cult- 220
Ezekiel. Jeremiah, etc., were
Nabis, John the Baptist also,
lucrative profession   -   -   263

Naked girls worshipped (see Sakta)

43.   226

Nakedness   -   -   -   17

Names, people's derived from

Gods' .... 241
Nana fertilised by Pomegranate - 248
Naphthali, Jacob ben. Old Testa-
ment ----- 144
Natalis Invicta Solis (birthday of
Unconquered Sun)   -   -   ill

Nations, all. Monotheistic   -   *   159

Nations all Phallic -   -   -28

National life must be organised on
sure scientific lines   -   -   354



Mature of race who evolved the
Bible   -   -   -   -215

Natural phenomena influenced

religion   -   -   -   - 16

Nave, Navis, ship - 162, 238, 259
Navel of world -   103

Naville, Cuneiform alone used in

Palestine, no trace of Hebrew 141
Naville. Gods created every day - 112
NeboorNabi, Herald of Marduck;

Nabis, Heralds of Yahweh - 263
Necromancy   7

Nebulous text of Old Testament 144
Nehemiah -   202

New Christian Trinity. Father,

Mother and Babe -   -   320

New Moon, Caesar, Julius, fixed
new year at nearest new
moon, hence wrong -   -   124

New Moon, Diana seen naked, good
luck, hence must not be seen
through glass (veiled) -   -   87

New Moon, wishing a wish -   -   87

New Testament, Astronomical 288-291
New Testament -   270

New Testament caused by Sun

entering Pisces -   -   -   291

New Testament change of Sign

of Zodiac -   290

New Testament curious mixture 271
New Testament change of outlook,

cause of   -   -   -   273

New Testament Criticism - 270-287
New Testament Fish worship, Sun

in Pisces -   -   287 et seq.

New Testament, Ichthus or

Ikthus worship -   287

New Testament instead of names
with Iah, Baal, Bosheth, we
have John, James, Twelve
Apostles, etc., or later Latin
names, Nicodemus, Lazarus,


New Testament “ Messiah" is
rendered “ Christ" to cut the
connection with Iah (Jehovah) 287
New ^Testament, no “ Iah" in
names .... 287
New Testament not history. A
mere frame on which to hang
a new dogma -   -   -315

New Testament, total change of
language and   names   -   -   287

New Testament, unreal, quite un -
like Old Testament which is
virile, boastful, savage -   - 315

New Testament,   Yahweh   dis-
appears -   287

New Tlftng, none in Religion,
King -   -   -   33* 170

New Year, Egyptian, at midsum -


New Year fixed falsely by making
it nearest New Moon, Julius
Caesar -   124

-   321



-   114


-   114



-   124










New Year travelled all round year 124
Newman, Cardinal, 11 Mother of
fair love " -

Newman, Cardinal, Virgin Mary
as Holy Ghost -
Newman glorifies Mary
Newton, Sir Isaac, Christian Fes-
tivals, Astronomic
Newton, Sir Isaac, Faith above

Newton, Sir Isaac, Christian Solar
festivals -   - -   114,

Newton, Twin Serpents
Newton's speculation on Bible -
New Year erroneously fixed by
Julius Caesar

Nice Council of Melchites, said
three persons in trinity.
Father, Mary and Son
Nicene Conference, Virgin Mary -
Nicholas, Saint   -

Nimrod or Ninus   -

Nine Virgins, Heimdal
Ninus, Nimrod -
Niobe -

Nismes, Mus6e Secrete
Nismes shameless Phallic decora-
tions built by authorities.
Magistrates and Governors
No beginning can be found 160-161
No Gods without Phallic basis - 100
No new thing in Religion, King 33, 170
“ No work," day, Sabbath 106-109
Noah's Ark -   167, 239

Noble pillar, Phallus   -   -   81

Norse Gods, Solar -   -   -   130

Northern races found beneficence

of Sun -   -   -   - 110

Nude bathing in India   -   -   44

Nudity Holy   -   -   45, 46

Nude virgins and sacred serpents - 89
Nude, worship of, in Europe
Nudity begets no shame. Shame
comes with clothing
Nudity natural to hot countries -
Nudity of female, good luck 87,
Nudity unnatural to cold countries 235
Nudity worshipped in Greece as in

Britain   -   -   -   -   87

Number 12   -   -   -   -   114

Number Forty, Holy   -   -   265

Nuns -   -   -   -   -32

Nuns and Harlots identical -   -   225

Nut and Seb   -   -   -   -   73






<« Q »»

O, Female symbol   -   -   -   23

Oak tree, Phallic   -   -   -   17

Oaks of Dodona, Pliny   -   -   17

Oath, Phallic -   139-140, 228, 252

Objects worshipped, diversity of 1
Obscure symbolism of Priests -   24

Obscene words in Bible to be
changed •   -   -   -   41



Oedipus -   -   -   * iio

Oil,   Phallic, Isernia -   -   * 94

Oiling Unction, Pagan practice
(Chrinoi, Christos, oiled) - 258
Old customs die hard -   327

Old Gods dead, Phallism was left
behind with the dead Gods 346
Old school looked backwards -   11

Old Sun, Bacchus -   -   - no

Old Testament, adding and taking

away from   -   -   *158

Old Testament, contradiction

throughout   -   -   - 157

Old Testament entirely Phallic - 25
Old Testament, Masoretic version 143
Old Testament (O.T.), Nebulous

text -   144

Old Testament texts, list of
Origen's   -   208

Old   Testament -   -   -   - 130

Old Testament, History of 138-152
Old Testament, Analysis of 152-214
Old Testament, Phallism in 215-259
Old Testament, Sun Worship in


Old Testament, earliest copy at
St. Petersburg, dated 916
a.d.   -   -   - 144, 151

Old Testament, other copy for

revised version 1034 a.d. - 144
Old Testament, tracing descent,

discussion -   145

Old Testament, of slow growth

through barbarous ages - 150
Old Testament Cosmogony, Baby -
Ionian   -   145

Old Testament written on shreds

of leather -   -   - 146, 148

Old Testament, badly tanned

hides ----- 147
Old Testament often destroyed


Old Testament, Origen a great

“ harmoniser ”   -   *   149

Old Testament, wilful mistrans-
lation   -   -   -   -   151

Old Testament, lost to sight till

916 a.d.   -   151

Old Testament, arrived through
Mohammedan sources -   -   151

Old Testament, 400 years amongst
Moors   -   -   -   -   151

Old Testament, classification of
Writers   -   157-158

Ol or Oliun, most high in Old Tes -
tament   -   -   -   -   154

Om, Dayanand makes sign of   -   45

Om, Mother of Gods -   -   45

Om, Word of Sanctity -   -   45

Om, original of Womb; Woman is
Womb-man -   -   - 23

Om, Sadhu makes sign of -   -   46

Om,—Omph,   female   -   23

Oman, 33, 34. 35. 3$, 37-40, 44,

46, 114, 116, 268, 30X, etc.

Oman, Doctor J. Campbell, Books 33
Omphale, Om and Phallus double
sexed   -   -   -   -   23

Omphale, Ophelim -   -   - 231

Omphallism   -   -   -   -   35

Ooma or Uma, Mother or Womb,

or Yoni   -   -   -   -   23

Oort, Dr. .... 252
Orb of Power   -   82, 255, 332

Ophelim -   230-231

Organs of Reproduction used as
symbol of life -   -   - 16

Orientation (compass direction) 130-133
Orientation of Churches -   131-133

Orientation imposible in Cities - 133
Orientation of   Isis   to   Sirius   or

Sothis   -   -   -   -   132

Orientation to Stars -   -   -   132

Orientation, Westminster Cathe-
dral ........................133

Origen castrated for the Kingdom
of Heaven's sake   -   -   185

Origen tampers with the tampered

149, 158

Origen, Tetrapla, Hexapla -   - 200

Origen's Texts, list of -   200


Osiris 2, 19-20, 72, 81, 85, 160
Osiris and Typhon -   -   -   126

Osiris, basis of Egyptian legends 72
Osiris, Ithyphallic -   -   -   81

Osiris and Eduth or Testimony - 246
Osiris, women weeping for 297-298
Outlook in New Testament, cause

of change of   271-272

Over lord of the Earth, Kaiser - 240

.I p..

Paeonians of Thrace, Sun worship 117
Pagan Gods canonised by Roman

Catholic Church -   -   329-332

St. Dionysius
St. Eleuther
St. Rustic
St. Bacchus
St. Tammuz
St. Delphin
St. Josophat
St. Barlaam

St. Espedito *   -   329,   332

Pagan Gods are now Christian
Saints or Godlets (St. Bacchus,

St. Denys, etc.) -   329

Pagans put Mother of Gods first,
Christians debase woman, and
recognise no Mother of God

169. 323

Pagan religions contain all Chris-
tian ideas (no new religion) - 327
Pagans took nothing from Chris-
tianity, Christianity took
everything from Paganism*
Augustine, Justin Martyr ana
Tertullian -   328, 330



Pagan trinity, Father, Mother and
Son, obliterated by Hebrews,
but re-established   -   -   169

Paine, T. -   -   -   -   »   210

Pala (phallus)   -   -   -   -   26

Pala, symbols   of   -   26,   30,   103

Paladium (Phallus God) -   -   26

Palaki -   -   -   -   32,   216

Palaki, Temple girls, from Pala

32, 216

Palakistan, Baluchistan (Louri) - 216
Palatine Hill -   -   -   -   217

Palenque, Phallic symbols -   -   217

Palermo, Phallic processions - 95
Pales, God of flocks, double sexed 217
Palestine, Palastan, Pala Phallus,

Land of the Phallus   -   *215

Palestine used only Babylonian

Cuneiform writing   -   -   141

Palestina same as Philistine   -   216

Palikoi -   -   -   -   -217

Palladium of German liberty,

Hermanu Sul -   -   -   93

Pallas Athene, Thenen, serpent -   52

Pallium ----- 257
Pallor and Pavor -   4

Palm Tree means Man   -   -   61

Palm Tree, Phallic   -   -   -   17

Pan anointing Phallus -   -51

Pan " Great Pan is dead " old

creeds getting discredited - 346
Pantheism in Christianity - 336, 337
Paphos—Paphia -   -   -88

Paradise—Garden—Summer -   15

Paradise or garden   -   -   -   111

Paradise on earth if energies pro-
perly directed -   242

Paschal or Passover lamb—Jesus
the same—Crucifixion is Pass -


Pascha ----- 284
Passover -   -   -   -   15

Passover, passing over, Cross-
over, Cros dfication—Cr uci -
fixion -   265

Passover derived from Babylon,
nothing to do with Egypt
(Egpytian story apooryphal)

284, 304

Paul," by faith alone M started the

Dark Ages   -   -   - 199

Paul knew nothing of Jesus

(Drews) -   -   -   - 337

Paul's Faith doctrine, what it leads

to, lowest depths of Infamy 329
Paul's ** faith ” led to orgy of

mirophily   -   - 202-203

Paul's promises of an immediate

KinfUom -   273

Paul's Sophistry, Faith as evi-
dence   2, 329

Paul and Jerome lead to Inquisi -

-tion -   199

Paul's unknown God *1   -   -   2

Pausanius *   •   -   - 128


Pavor and Pallor -   -   -   4

Penates and Lares -   -   89-90

Peni, Peni-Baal, Peni-el -   - 42

Peoples' names derived from God

names   -   241

Peor Apis—Priapus -   89, 229, 289

Peor -   88, 230, 232, 254, 289

Perfect Creative God required a

woman -   -   -   -   24

Perfect Phallic Man -   -   -   256

Period of Sun Gods -   -   -   no

Perpetual interdict against re -

building Temple by Hadrian 147
Perowne, Doctor, Phallic Messianic

promise   -   239

Perseus -   -   -   -   -   no

Persian occupation of Palestine - 147
Persian Sun Worship -   -   130

Perso-Babylonian Religion -   -   201

Peru-Cuzco Sun worship -   -   117

Peru, Prescot's -   -   -   -   117

Peruvian Sun worship   -   -   117

Petrie, Flinders -   -   -   196

Petreus of Prometheus is the Peter

of Jesus   -   302

Phalli erected at every strret cor -
ner and under every green
tree -   -- 140, 221, 235, 242

Phalli in every street, Palestine

and Dahomey -   235

Phalli of various materials -   -   29

Phalli found in lowest strata   -   29

Phalli forty feet below Troy -   29

Phalli on grave stones, Scotland -   29

Phalli upon every hill, and under

every green tree, list of texts 242
Phallic altar   -   -   -   -   221

Phallic Columns -   56, 57, 58

Phallic conceptions in Biblp

texts -   -   -   -   -   12

Phallic cult in earliest, still widely

practised   -   -   -   -15

Phallic cult, direct and personal 15
Phallic dance before Ark (Relic

or banner)   -   -   -   -   236

Phallic dances, David, Mical - 236
Phallic diseases, Syphilis, with


Phallic emblems everywhere pub-
lic in Europe after Romans -   93

Phallic emblems publicly ex -

posed in Ireland on Churches 94
Phallic exhibition is called Leap-
ing and Dancing -   -   236

Phallic Feast of the Jews or

Hebrews   -   225

Phallic feasts, Roman and Greece 92
(Bacchanalia, Floralia, Forni -
calia, Hilaria, Liberalia,
Lupercalia, Maternalia, Vul-
canalia)   -   -   -   - 92

Phallic gods are creators and yet
destroyers   -   -   -   -   35

Phallic Hermes of Greece becomes
Philosophical Logos -   *   346



Phallic land right round coast
• from India to Egypt -   - ax6

Phallic medals were public acts
of the State   -   -   86-87

Phallic Oath -   139, 140, 228, 253

Phallic oath still exists in Arabia 228
Phallic oil. Isernia   -   -   '94

Phallic phrases often repeated - 242
Phallic pillar, Blackmoor 56, 252
Phallic pillars (Blackmoor Eng*
lish List, Wales, Scotland,
Ireland, Fiji, Karnak, Mon-
golia, Tartary, India, etc.)

$7. 58, 59

Phallic pillar of Dorsetshire,

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Re: Symbolism in relation to religion Hannay, James Ballantyne 1912
« Reply #63 on: March 04, 2018, 04:13:48 PM »

Druidical -   -   -   -   93

Phallic practices in India, Works
on   36-37

Phallic processions in Italy and

India -   -   -   -   41

Phallic signs   -   -   155

IA and IV double sexed -   - 155

Phallic terms, sporting, leaping

and playing   -   -   ' 239

Phallic signatures plough, leaf,

cross -   103

Phallic sculpture, Bordeau, Tou-
louse, in Churches -   -   97

Phallic symbol, earliest -   -   29

Phallic symbols and cross -   -   217

Phallic symbols were originally

realistic nude sculptures - 26
Phallic symbols in general   -   -255

Phallic symbol of serpent trans-
ferred to Sun -   -   81, H2

Phallic view of Eden held by
Clement and Jerome, and in
modern times by Dr. Donald -
son ----- 239
Phallic words, native and for-
eign ...............................89

Phallic worship, popular -   -   16

Phallic worshippers: India, Bur-
mah, Indo -China, Tibet,

China, Japan, 400,000,000 -   33

Phallic worshippers 700,000,000
of whom 250,000,000 are
British subjects   -   -   -   28

Phallic worshippers and Christians
compared   -   -   28-29

Phallism, a living cult practised by

millions -   -   -   -   47

Phallism at Isernia   -   -   -   94

Phallism conventionalised -   -   32

Phallism disguised in Bible -   -   103

Phallism expressed more clearly in
Europe than in Babylon,
India or Egypt   -   -   -   94

Phallism in the old Testament - 215
Phallism in Assyria, Babylonia
and Accadia   -   -   *   65

Phallism in China   -   -   -   99

Phallism in Egypt   -   -   -   72

Phallism in Europe   -   -   -   93

Phallism in Greece   -   -   -   83

Twin serpents, Cuduceus, ori-
gin of -   -   -   -   84

Pine Cone with ribbons -   -   86

Pine cone offering -   -   -   86

Phalli in Basket offering -   -86

Phallism in Ireland   -   -   -   96

Phallism in India   -   *   -   32

Phallism in Japan   -   101

Phallism in Rome   -   -   -   89

Phallism most violent expression

at Nismes -   -   -   -   94

Phallism necessary to explain

Christianity   -   -   -   25

Phallism, originally Realistic - 26
Phallism preferred by Hebrews to

Yahweh worship - 266-267
Phallism the greatest modern cult,
inculcated and explained by
modern Brahmins   -   -   33

Phallism Universal -   28, 29, 30

Phallism unknown to British

public -   -   -   - 25

Phallus and Cross -   -   -   88

Phallus and Pyx   -   258

Phallus and Yahweh or Jah rivals

222, 254

Phallus, Eduth, Shechina, and

Yahweh the same   -   -   254

Phallus, euphemisms for (Foot,

Thigh, Heel, Hand) -   41,   239

Phallus, cause of evil   - 184,   187

Phallus from Pala -   -   -   26

Phallus in Isaiah -   -   -   41

Phallus in Job -   153-154

Phallus on grave stones, rocks,


Phallus or testis becomes testi-
mony, covenant and mem-
orial ----- 228
Phallus, Rod, Pillar or upright

emblem   -   -   -   -15

Phallus, symbol of   Justice -   *79

Phallus conventionalised in writ-
ing ...........................79

Phallus, synonyms for -   -   239

Phallus, Symbols of -   -   - 26

Phatallah -   -   -   -   - 156

Pharoah, the great Hall or the
“Court" -   125

Philistines also lived in Palestine 215
Philistine same word from the
Greek, from Phyllis (love)
and Stan (land) -   -   - 2x5

Phobos -   -   ...   4


Phoenicians, Veneration of Sun - 115
Pillars, Phallic -   - 56, 57, 58

Pillars of Hercules   -   264

Pillar is masculine emblem - 24
Pindar -   -   -   -   268

Pine cone and bag, male and

female   -   -   -   *68

Pinches, Mr., British Museum,




Pisces. New Testament written to
bring in* New Zodiac sign
Sun in Pisces 126, 280. 287,

284, 290

Pisces or Fishes run through
whole life of Jesus -   291-292

Plague sent for sin with Poor,
feminine. Woman cause of
evil. Peor=woman -   -   230

Playing and Dancing - 236, 239
Plato, senses bring health like a

breeze   -   -   -   -   357

Playing and Leaping, Phallic - 239
Pliny on Tree worship. Palm tree,

Phallic   -   -   -   -   17

Plough as a Phallic sign 46, 103
Plough, signature of Kings 46, 103
Plunket, The honorable E. M.,

Zodiacs, etc. -   -   130, 133

Plutach -   -   -   85, 225, 346

Plutarch on Jews' Phallic feast - 225
Poems, Philosophical -   7

Pockocke -   -   -   -   -   156

Poetry of love, none in Bible - 326
Pole of fertility, Rod of God,

Jahveh Nissi, Phallus - 253
Polytheism of Hebrews -   157-160

Polygamy taught in Old Testa-
ment ----- 236
Polytheistic Christianity -   - 158

Pomegranate, Empress of Austria 255
Pomegranates, Fertility, Fruitful

Womb ...   - 248

Pomegranate, girl metamorphosed

by love, by Bacchus -   248-255

Pompeii, Phallic symbols on

Walls   -   -   -   -   67

Pope phallically examined 217, 218
Popular beliefs in all religions -   7

Potts, Dr., Eugenics -   -   "355

Power accumulated by Pen-
ances -   301

Powerful and wicked require
slaughter of innocent children
for their happiness. Modern
example. Devil chasers 299-300
Pragmatic sanction -   -   2, 342

Prakriti -   -   -   -   48,   188

Prayers apostrophise the Amen of

Egypt   -   -   2

Prayer can alter sequence of
events   -   -   -   1

Precession of the Equinoxes

19, 288, 290

Prescott’s Peru -   -   - 117

Priapus 23, 26, 27, 88-89* 229, 289
Priapus and Peor Apis 88-89, 229, 289
Preistly document of Old Testa-
ment'   -   -   - 157, 202

Priests before Kings   7

Priests* Concubines -   -   , 337-338

Priests double sexed like creative


Priest's guesses eagerly accepted

1-2, 20, 158


Priests’ ideas, writing about Crea -

tion   -   -   I7*-I73. 339

Priest's " Stole" makes him
double sexed -   -   - 24

Priests use obscure symbolism 24-2$
Primitive culture, Tyler -   6

Pointed and Unpointed Hebrew - 144
Proclus -   -   -   -   168,   324

Proclus—J uno imports genera-
tion of soul -   - 324, 325

Pragmatism is immoral, renders
every belief true, however
foolish   -   -   -   -   2

Prayers heard   by   stones   -   252.   255

Prometheus   -   -   -   -   no

Pronunciation of Letters, English 27
Proof of divinity of Bible, false 10
Prophecy after the event -   13,   194

Prophet not without honour - 298
Prophet’s scolding betrays what
people worshipped -   -   141

Prophets' scoldings. Mullahs or

Yogis, Nabis or Naziris - 263
Prophets' scoldings -   13, 19, 141

Protests against belief in ancient
Pagan fables, Rev. Hensley
Henson, Bishop Colenso,
Rev., J. E. Carpenter -   -   327

Prostitutes necessary in Rome to
prevent seduction of Senators'
Wives and Daughters (Pope
Paul V.)   -   -   - 337

Prostitutes sacred -   -   -   88

Prostitution a virtue in time of
Jesus, Mary Magdalent re-
spected   -   -   -   - 316

Prostitution in Egypt, slaves for 82
Protestant and Catholic Churches 9
Protestants have no female in
God-head, because of Eden


Protestant’9 Heaven has no

Queen   -   -   -   - 137

Protestant is rationalist, follows

reason -   8-9

Protestant religion cold -   -   137

Protestant religion has a com-
panionless God -   -   *   r37

Provision for the Babies. We must

start with the Baby -   '357

Psalms, Zion is Zodiac, Lord God

is Sun -   264

Ptah Totumen creates Gods every


Ptolemies collected originals of
religions -   148

Ptolemies devoted to Libraries and

Museums -   . - *48

Ptolemy Soter, Son of God, the

Saviour -   148

Pulpit, Phallic derivation -   -   60

Purpose of Gods turned aside by
prayers   t

Pylades and Orestis, Phallic oath - 286




Pyramid of Caius Sextus in Rome,
built by Jewish slaves - 273
Pyx, male symbol -   -   56, 258

Queen of Heaven, Ark, Arch, Arc,

Box, Boat, Church, Nave,
Altar -   -   162

Queen of Heaven created life by

brooding on the Waters - 169
Queen of Heaven is Holy Ghost - 170
Queen of Heaven is Mother of God 170
Queen of Heaven, Ruach 162-163
Queen of Heaven, Spirit necessary
to creation -   -   - 24

Queen of Heaven, Symbols of

26, 48, 162, 247

Queen of Heaven, Universal

Womb   -   324

Bueen of Heaven, Venus, Fish - 292
ueen of Heaven worshipped by
Hebrews -   -   165

Queens of Heaven, Goddesses of

love ----- 163
Queens of Heaven worshipped

with profound veneration - 323
Queen's husband, Ark-el, Ark-god,
Arkels, Herkels, Heracles,
Hercules   -   163

Quetsalcoatl -   -   -   -   no


R and L represented by one sign 138
Ra   -   -   - no, 285, 287

Rabbi’s " Insulse ’* rule to tone

down Phallic words 41, 103, 253
Race culture or Race suicide - 356
Races from Steppes of Asia in-
fluenced religion -   -   -   no

Rajendralala Mitra, Ama or Uma 48
Rahab in Creation -   - 190-193

Ram or Lamb -   -   -   -   127

Rams’ skins on Tabernacle   -   -24 7


Rebus onlkthus, Jesus Kristos, of

God the Son and Saviour - 293
Red one. Adam, Phallus   -   -   54

Red Ridinghood -   266

Redeemer. "Iknow that my Re-
deemer liveth" is false trans-
lation -   276

Redeemer Myth   -   - 333-334

Redeemers   -   -   *   115,   3x0

Refreshing Lingam with shower of

water   -   -   -   -   51

Reichs Apfel   -   -   -   82,   332

Religion -   3~4. 22

Religion built on Symbolism   -   169

Religion, definition of   5

Religion, enforcement of   -   21-22

Religion impelled by. fear   -   4

Religion. In religion there is no

new thing -   -   -   33


Religion, Message of God to man.
Miraculous religions, Indian
and Christian -   - 280, 284

Religion, no new thing in -   - 33

Religion, none without miracles - 280
Religion, not communistic rules -   3

Religion on two planes, lower plane
crass, but permanent -   -   33

Religion requires Miraculous auth -

ority -   4-6

Religion without Mirodox, Con-
fucius   -   348-349

Religions all combined under

Akbar   9

Religions are conservative -   - 21

Religions based on the miracu-
lous   -   2-14

Religions built on reproductive

idea -   -   -   -   - 22

Religions demand antiquity   - 21

Religions, Eastern, are broad 9-10
Religions, earliest beginnings un-
known   -   -   -   15

Religions, essential parts of -   -   14

Religions have common codes of

morality   7

Religions, Phallic or Solar -   - 21

Religiosity   5

Religious prostitution rampant
at time of Jesus, yet not men -
tioned in New Testament.
Edited   -   -   -   -   315

Religious capitals, low morality 337
Religious Symbols, earliest are

Phallic   -   -   -   15

Renouf—Le Page, Egyptian Sun
Worship   -   -   -   -   130

Research is rational inquiry 1-2
Resurrection of Jesus 265-266.

_   3*3-314

Resurrection of body in Prayer
Book impossible—No carbon
—Carbon has been used over
and over again for generation
of bodies   -   -   -   -   340

Resurrection of Sun, forgiveness
of sins   -   -   -   -   15

Resurrection unknown in Old

Testament -   143

Revelation Miraculous -   1, 4

Revivals cause erotic passions 87-88
Revulsion from Religion of Terror 270
Rewards and Punishments -   7

Rewards for saying Jesus, Mary,

Joseph. -   320

Rhea ----- 163
Rib is Mother of World -   - 177

Ribbons, gay, on Phallic etqbjems

44-45. *.rf-58. 229
Right and Left hand sects 36,


Ring and Dagger   -   -   - 55

Rings are Yonis   -   -   49, 66



Raising from the dead Lazarus,
Jairus* Daughter.   Also on

death of Jesus.   Greatest

miracle, yet never noticed by
historians   -   -   311 -312

Rivers of Babylon   -   -   -   175

Rivers of Life, Forlong   -   -   7


Rock of Salvation   -   -   -   252

Rock which begat thee, Phallus

56. 88, 241. 252
Rod of God, Jahveh Nissi, Phallus 253
Rome immoral -   337

Rome, Phallism in   -   -   89

Roman and Greek Phallic feasts ~   92

Roman Catholic Church, absorbed
all feasts and Godlets of
Pagans -   -   - 257, 330

Roman Catholic Church canonises
Pagan Gods
St. Dionysius
St. Eleuther
St. Rustic
St. Bacchus
St. Tammuz
St. Delphin
St. Josophat
St. Barlaam

St. Espedito *   -   3*29-331

Roman Catholic Sun worship - 117
Roman Maiden's Chastity -   -   89

Roman Phallic emblems in Rivers 93
Roman Phallic emblems in Ruins 93
Roman Phallic feasts   -   -   92

Roman sacred day, Sunday - 105
Romans adopted all Pagan god -

lets, feasts and practices * 269
Romans brought Phallism to West

Europe -   -   -   -   93

Romans brought God's message

to man .... 269
Romans changed Holy day from

Saturday to Sunday   -   -105

Romans governed Europe through

religion when arms failed - 269
Romans imposed Christianity on
Europe   -   -   269, 317

Romans, Sex influence   -   - 188

Romulus -   -   -   -   no, 126

Romulus and Remus   -   - 126

Rosalie, Saint, in Palermo -   *95

Roscoe on the Pope -   -   - 2x8

Royal Society of Arts, Phallism - 221
Ruach -   -   -   -   - 48

Ruach and Tihamat -   -   -192

Ruach creating -   -   164, 167

Ruach, Spirit of God   -   - 163

Ruach^ Spouse, Dove, Love of
Goc^Kiun (Queen) Virgo, Isis,
Istan, Altrix Nostra, Eros,
Ceres, Mamosa, and all-
fruitful Palaki -   -   - 167

Rubens' Ancient of days   -   *134

Ruber Porrectus, Forlong   -   -41

Rulers identified with Gods   -   7


Rulers called “ Hall,” “Court"
or “ Gate "   125

Ruskin on Faith -   34*

“ S "

Sabbato, Sabbota or Sabbath, de -
minating Europe day: names

io6, 109, 121
Sacerdotal systems often brutal -   *9

Sacred books all destroyed -   -147

Sacred books, shreds and patches 13
Sacred prostitutes -   -   -   88

Sacred prostitutes in the House of

the Lord -   -   -   -   229

Sacred serpent, and Nude virgins 89
Sacrifice, great, Sexual Act -   -   32

Sacrifice means sexual act -   -   81

Sacrifices -   -   -   -   14

Sadhus   -   -   -   -   -   45

Sadu makes yoni sign, or Om, 46
St. Peter's doors—sexual sculp-
tures   -   -   -   -   -   20

St. George is “Gee urge" or

Earth Creator   -   -   -   19

Saints or Godlets, ten thousand - 158
Saints or Godlets are manifestations
of single god   -   -   -   i$9

Saints created by Roman Church


Saint John Midsummer, Sun's
prime. Churches oriented to
North East where he rises on
Midsummer's day   -   -   131

Saint Ninian as Bel -   249

Saivas (sect), Lingam worshippers 34
Sakta sub-sects   -   -   -   36

Saktas, Yoni worshippers -   -   34

Sakti   -   -   -   -   -   50

Sakti worship, Forlong 42, 88, 123
Sakti worship is Yoni worsliip - 43
Sakti worship, Oman -   -   -   36

Sakya Muni -   -   -   -   116

Saleeby, Doctor, on Morality 323, 344
Salvation Army   -   -   -   14

Samaritan Bible   -   -   -   144

Same Church customs common
to all lands   -   -   -   327

Same symbols for good and evil - 1-7
Samsara   -   -   -   -   ’34

Samson   -   -   -   -   -   196

Samson is Hercules, Suu God - 264
Sanyasi, Sanyasin   -   -   ’45


Sar, Zur, or Tsur   -   -   -   88

Sarx “ the flesh"   -   -   -   136

Saturnalia -   -   -   -   87

Saturn's day, churning the ocean 109
Saturn's day, Holy day when life
was brought forth -   -   109

Saturn's day was original Holy
day   109,   333

Saturn's death still celebrated like
that of Jesus in Rome on
Thursday -   109,   333


Saturn Worship; at Rome - 333, 334
Saviours are Bridegrooms -   *114

Saviours' idea—Sun -   -   - 15

Saviour idea wide-spread thousands
of years before Jesus -   - 299

Saviour of the World. Phallic, in
Greece -   -   -   - 84


Saviours born in poverty -   -   309

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Re: Symbolism in relation to religion Hannay, James Ballantyne 1912
« Reply #64 on: March 04, 2018, 04:14:19 PM »

Saviours born on a journey -   -   308

Saviours, Doctor Inman on   -   302

Saviours, List of   -   -   307,   310

Saviours of Mankind very num-
erous, Sun Gods - 301-302
Saviours, their own fathers and
suckled by wives   136, 163

Saxons' day names, Babylonian,
at first   -   -   -   -105

Saxons substituted Native Gods 105
Sayce -   -   -   7. *34. 198

Sayce, no future life in Old Testa -

ment -   143

Sayce's Criticisms of Old Testa-
ment   •   -   -   - 141

Saycc's Higher Criticism -   -   156

Schliemann, Phalli below Troy - 29
Science advances too slowly for
impatience   of   the   people

1-2, 20

Science and Religion conflict,

Draper and White -   - 181

Science cannot claim miraculous
origin ....   6

Science is the ** Art of being
kind" 14 So many Gods so
many Creeds" -   355

Science of Religion—Max Muller 129
Scientific position   -   -   -   335

Scoldings of Prophets, active force

of religion   -   -   13, 19

Scotch despisal of women -   -   275

Scotland austere, yet illegitimacy


Scotland, Babylonian symbolism
in   121-122,   249

Scotland, Church of, Creed 341-342
Scotland divided between Sabbath
(Babylonia) and Lord's Day
(Catholic) for name of Holy
Day ----- 106
Scotland, Phallic Pillars in -   -   57

Scorpion destroying Fertility - 126
Scythians or Skuthians destroy
Babylon, plunder Egypt - 194
Search the Scriptures -   -   13

Seb and Nut -   72-73

Second Advent -   279

Secret sin leading to curse of
child-birth and labour -   -   22

Sects, Hindu   -   -   -   - 34

Sects, Right and Left handed 36, 68
Selene, or the Moon chaste, Diana
(Seen naked lucky but veiled
by glass no luck) *   *   87

Self-esteem of Hebrews -   -   235

Self mutilation of devotees 185-186
Sellons' Abbe Dubois, India, Phal -

0 «c ...........................37

Semiramis -   -   -   70,   163

Septuagint -   148

Septuagint in 230   a.d.   A   re-
cension of recensions -   4 149

Sequence of events in universe -   1

Serapean Library, forty-two thou -
sand MSS.   -   -   -   148

Serapean Library, Ptolemy   - 148

Serapis -   -   -   no,   126,   214

Serpent as passion -   52, 61, 86

Serpent and disease -   230 et seq.

Serpent curse futile   -   -   -   177

Serpent in Eden, the Phallus 22,

177. 239

Serpent in Lingam-Yoni Altar -   52

Serpent is love and life   -   - 17

Serpent, passion, sexual fire 17-18
Serpent replaced by Skull -   - 234

Serpent, Sun, and Lingam Yoni - 112
Serpent, symbol, horror and fear- 230
Serpent, symbol of Wisdom -   52-53

Serpent symbol refers to disease - 230
Serpent symbol transferred from
Phallus to Sun   -   -   -   112

Serpent worship in Ireland - 96
Serpent worship, Phallic -   - 17

Seth, Adam's first born - 189, 288
Seventy elders sent with Hebrew
MSS.   -   *   -   -   148

Seventy-two translators, Septua-
gint ........................148

Sex difference between Hebrew
and Babylonian Creation
stories -   192-195

Sex in Religion—Mrs. Gamble - 32
Sex inherent in matter -   - 188

Sex influence   -   -   -   -   188

Sex instinct and crime coupled - 235
Sex worship, Caves of Elephanta 32
Sexes (two) required for Creation

3, 24, 172-173* 2°3
Sexes (both)   -   -   -   -   24

Sexual Act is sacrifice -   -   -88

Sexual Act no crime—natural - 235
Sexual intercourse, cause of all evil

184. 185

Sexual plague -   232

Shame, Shameful tiling -   17, 221

Shame at nakedness -   -   -   22

Shameful thing, Bosheth - 220-221
Shang -ti as God in China -   -   99

Shechinah, or Eduth, or Yahweh
Fig. 117   -   -   -   246,   254

Shelah -na -Gig in Ireland -   -   97

Ship, Nave, Schiff in Church 162,

4*18, *59

Shor -ha -Shamim, Hole in the
Sky ----- 274
Short cut to knowledge 1-2, 20
Shushan—Nehemiah (Neemias) - 202
Siddartha 116, 214, 268, 270, 271
Sikhs -   •   - 34, 116



Silence about Phallism in the
Bible   -   -   -   -   2 5

Sin in Eden   -   -   -   -   22

Sinai-Horeb story. Two writers
not separable -   -   - 157

Sinai-Horeb stories too well “har-
monised" -   -   -   - 158

Sins visited to the third and
fourth generation, only true
of Syphilis   -   -   - 230

Sister-spouse relationship   - 136

Siva, male energy. Phallic   33. 36

Siva right, male. Vishna left.

female   -   -4 7

Siva-devi   -   -   -   34,   42

Siva's Phallic Bull -   -   -35

Skin coats in Eden after fall.
“Fair* autumn approach
of winter   -   -   -   -   178

Skoptsi, Castration Sect   -   - 185

Skull instead of Serpent, as Phallic


Skuthians   -   -   -   -   194

Sky supported by Phalli, Lantoni 72
Sky, beings in   -   -   -   -   1

Slaughter of Innocents, Solar - 284
Slaves for prostitution in Egypt

and Asia -   -   82, 227

Slow progress of science   -   - 20

Smectymnus   -   -   -   -   4*

Smith's Diet, of Antiquites- - 85
Smith, George—Discoveries 11, 145
Socialists in too great a hurry,
great things have already been
done by insurance, co -opera -
tion, old age pensions, educa -
tion. We are well on the road
to universal insurance -   -   355

Sodomy, a religious rite 224, 242
Solar and Phallic cults linked up

112, ri4

Solar and Phallic faith, Josiah - 260
Solar movements followed law9,
h^nce Sun Gods placed behind
Sun -   -   -   -   - 110

Solar Christian festivals - 115, 128
Solar religion embodied in legends 19
Solar worship only occasional 263-264
Solar worship official, Phallic po-
pular   -   -   -   -16

Solomon's wives* idolatry -   -   237

Solomon's phallic oath -   -   228

Solo-phallic cult 15-16, 112, 116
Solomon went after Astoreth - 223
Solstice -   -   15. 124-131

Solstice, standing still, or death

196, 265

Solstic'v to Equinox, change of
dajr of death of Sun by

Christians -   -   -   - 3*3

Song of Solomon, Nissi <?r Pole
(banner) -   253

Sons of God -   -   * 295

Sons of God, List of -   - 307-3 n

Sons of Jove, annual Suns 115, 136


Sons of Jove, slain ones. Saviours,
Redeemers -   -   -   115

Sons of Zoroaster -   -   -   136

Sorrowful Heart with Babe -   -   170

Sorceress, Huldah, discovers word
of God -   -   - 144-145

Soter Kosmoi, Vatican -   84,   253

Soul (Juno generates) - 169, 324
Soul -   -   -   -   5, 14

Solomon's Wives Idolators- - 237
Soul, life, thought, are products
not producers -   343

Soul, spirit, thought, are due to

energy of oxidising carbon - 343
Soul unknown to Bishop -   -338

Spencer, Herbert ... 295
Sphinx, Orientation   of   -   -   134

Spire and Church are Lingam-
Yoni   -   258.   259

Spire is Church's Husband
(Nishi) -   -   -   -   259

Spire is the Phallus   -   -   -   259

Spire not always a glorified roof

(Ruskin) -   -   -   -   258


Spirit, broken -   267

Spirits, evil   -   -   -   7, 14

Spirit of God, mistranslation

Ruach   -   161   -164

Spirit of God moving on Waters

161, 322

Spirit, Holy, see Holy Ghost
Spiritual religion rejects know -
ledge   -   -   -   -   119

Sporting, Leaping, and playing,

Phallic   -   230,   239

Spring Sun, always a Bridegroom 114
Star gazers   -   -   -   -   198

Star, symbol or Venus or Istar - 223
Stars cause religious feelings -   2

Stars for orientation -   -   -   16

Steam at Alexandria -   -   119

Stein, Sir Marc Aurel   -   3

Steppes of Asia, races influenced

Religion of Asia and Europe no
Sterilising criminals   -   -   355,   356

Stole on Priest makes Bisexual

emblem   -   -   -   -   256

Stole, Roman Matron's gown - 256
Stole, woman's garment, makes

priest double sexed -   24,   184

Stones a9 living Gods 241* 254-255
Stone circles or Kirkles, give the

word9. Church and Kirk 82, 131
Stone as Father   -   -   241,   250

Stone monuments in Ireland   - 96

Stone Phallus, Living God   -   -255

Stones as Christs   -   -   -   252

Stonehenge (orientation)   -   -131

Stonehenge — Masculine pillar

Femmine altar -   -   - 131

Stonehenge oriented to Summer
Solstice -   •   -   -   131

Stones hear pravers 252, 254. 255
Strabo on sacrifice of Virginity - 227



Streets, Phalli   in   all   streets at

Jerusalem   xao,   221, 234,   242

Streets, Phalli   in   all   streets at

Dahomey -   -   -   -   235

Stupas -   -   -   -   -32

Succoth Benoth, made by men of

Babylon   -   -   145,   225-229

Succoth Benoth, sale of Doves,

Jesus objects -   -   -   3*5

Succoth Benoth, 24,000 worshippers
died on account of sex worship 230
Succoth Benoth, tents of prostitu -
tion for young women to sac -
rifice their virginity to Melitta
the great Mediator - 225-230
Suffering common to all sons of


Sun and Moon worship, Josiah,

Manasseh -   260, 261

Sun and Phallic worship combined

112, 130

Sun's attributes personified 115, 391
Sun called the Saviour, Pausanius 128
Sun Cricifixion or Passover 134-13 5
Sun Gods descend to earth to save
mankind -   -   -   *13 7

Sun gods, History of   -   -   -   131

Sun Gods, great period of -   -   no

Sun Gods, list of   -   -   -   no

Sun Gods slain by tooth or Boar of

winter   -   -   -   -   no

Sun Gods slain by cold of winter - no
Sun a bridegroom, Earth Bride 54^5 5
Sun is Saviour crossified or cru-
cified to save mankind 284, 313
Sun is Saviour, in Northern coun -

tries -   -   -   -   -   15

Sun, Life-giver, like Phallus - 112
Sun, Lingam-Yoni and Serpent - 112
Sun lore worked into Hebrew Old
Testament by Ezra and Nehe -
miah from Babylon -   195-196

Sun, Moon and Stars, worship con -
demned   -   -   -   -   261

Sun's motion—Early‘astronomers
could not detect re-ascent of
sun before 25 December, so
that is birth day of all Gods
and Saviours, Jesus included


Sun myth   -   -   -   -   113

Sun myths in Bible (weak echoes)

196, 260

Sun myth in general -   -   -   111

Sun named by its Houses 125-127
Sun passing from one constellation

or house to another -   126-127

Sun, Redeemer -   -   -   131

Sun shines on Image in Sanctuary


Sun shining on sexual symbol—
equinox ...   15-16

Sun, source of all fiches and
pleasure -   127

Sun, too holy to name   -   *   125


no, 117





- 129




Sun worship -   - 104,

Sun worship at St. Paul's, Rome -
Sun worship arose in Northern
Nations -

Sun worship, Sir William Jones -
Sun worship, Max Muller -
Sun Worship, William Henderson 129
Sun Worship, Chinese, Thornton 129
Sun Worship, Hindu, Moore
Sun Worship, Egyptian, Le Page
Renouf -
Sun Worship, Persian
Sun Worship from remote east to
furthest west. Doane -
Sun Worship in India, Oman
Sun Worship in Old Testament -
Sun Worship, second cult 31,

Sun Worship, Universal
Sun worshipped as Life-giver
Sun's daily and yearly birth and
death. Resurrection in Spring
to save the World 15, 127-128
Supernatural -   -   -   -   2

Supernatural belief decaying 21-22
Supernatural origin of religion -   14

Supernatural revelation   8-9

Superstitions, ladder, thirteen,
Niobfc Moon, Friday, touch
wood, increasing as religion
declines -   -   13,

Surya -
Surya, the Sun

Susannah and the Elders (lucky to
see nude female)

Swastica or Svastika, good and
bad -

Sword, dagger, spear, are Phallic -
Swearing by the Phallus 140,
Symbolical worship -
Symbolism decays, confronted with
knowledge   -   -   21-22

Symbolism in Babylonia -   -   65

Symbolism, obscure used by
Priests -

Symbols derived from reproduc-
tive organs   -

Symbolism says one thing and
means another -
Symmachus -

Symmachus ....
Synonyms for Phallus -   41,

Syphilis rampant -   -   230,

Systrum -   49, 64,

Systrum is symbol of Yoni, fer-
tility .....................81




- 87

1. 7

- 24

: 2 3




i» j h

Tabernacle, account fabuloidf* - 244
Tabernacle never erected -   -   244

Tabernacle would not stand - 244
Tabernacle, myth of a Scribe - 244
Tabernacle, Colenso's exposure - 244
Tabernacle, materials impossible to
procure .... 243


Tabernacle, Encyc. Biblica. - 244
Tabernacle was a womb, Dolphin


Tabernacle conceived for a miracle
play of death and re-birth
of the Sun, but never really
erected -   248-250

Tabernacles, Feast of (merry) - 248
Tabernacle of God, Mary, Queen

of Heaven -   162

Tabernacle of Life -   323

Tabernacle, Phallic miracle play 244
Tabernacle, Phallic miracle play - 244
Tacitus -   -   -   - 317, 323

Tahmud-insulse rule, tone down

Phallic phrases   -   -   -   41

Tam muz -   -   -   -   - no

Tammuz as St. Thomas 330-331
Tammuz Adonis and Jesus were

identical Sun Gods -   - 299

Tamper ng with text - ii, 149
Tantras, eight divine mothers 35, 48
Tan trie worship, Bisexual -   -   36

Targum in language unknown to

the people   -   -   -   150

Tat, Tet or Dad   -   -   -   73

Tat, Tet or Dad, Evolution of - 73
Tau and Phallus, form of Cross -   67

Taurus, Sun quits Taurus, Mithras

slays Bull -   -   -   -   126

Teachers of all nations incrusted

with identical Sun niyths - 134
Tehom, Hebrews made Tihamat
(feminine) into Tehom (mas-
culine)   -   -   - 192-193

Tehom -   -   -   -   *171

Tehom in Creation -   - 190, 193

Tell us of Origins   -   -   - 160

Temple at Jerusalem often de-
stroyed -   146-148

Temple destroyed and furniture
sent to Rome
Golden Candlestck
Sacred books

Inhabitants enslaved and de-
ported -   273

Temple feminine name, ship, etc.,
needs pillar, spire or tower to
form bisexual combination - 254
Temple girls, Palaki, from Pala -   32

Temple of Life to come -   - 323

Temple prostitutes   -   -   -   88

Temples, orientation -   -   -   16

Temples in Jerusalem, changes - 147
Temptation, Eden   -   -   -   22

Ten Commandments written in
Cuneiform -   -   -   -   141

Terminology of Hebrew Gods very
loose Al. El, II, Ol -   -153

Tertullian, Christians adopted all
Pagan festivals, Augustine,
Justin Martyr 135, 299, 329


Testudo, Tortoise, bearer of life - 139

Testament, witness, testimony,
covenant, swearing on Phallus
or testes -   -   -   -   139

Testis, testimony or witness,

Phallic -   -   139-140, 228

Test, wide-spread significance - 139
Tetrapla, Ongen's ... 200
Texts of Bible mutilated -   -   13

Thamte ----- 191
Thebes, Colossi orientation -   -   133

Thebes, City of the Cow Hathor - 126
Thenen Serpent—Phalias Athene 52
Theodotian -   -   -   149,   200

Theophilus (Bishop) Phallic sym-
bols ..........................88

Theory of Evolution -   -   -   11

Thirteen superstition -   -   -13

Thirteen unlucky, 12 months live
always; Sun dies or twelve
months and a fraction or
broken one -   -   -   -   114

Of thirteen one must die within
the year as does the Sun - 114
Twelve Apostles, Jesus dies -   -   114

Thornton, Hist, of China -   -   129

Thou shalt surely die -   -   -176

Thousand sacred prostitutes,

Eryx and Corinth   -   - 88

Three days and three nights, 40

hours, Matthew -   -   -   266

Three in one, intensely Phallic 24,

155. 259

Three in One of prayer book,
Creative phrase, Fleur de Lys,
Broad Arrow, Trident, Trisool
and Leaf of Bacchus 24, 155, 259
Thyrsus -   -   -   -   -   85

Tiam ----- igr
Tiamat, Tihamat -   -   -   191

Tihamat and Ruach   -   -192

Tibet, destruction of Bibles by

soldiers   -   -   -   -   147

Titus Caesar levelled Temple of

Jerusalem -   147

oth—personal history 157,

190, 288

Tohua Bohu   -   -   - 171,   190


Tone down gross Phallic ex -

pressions in Bible   -   -   41

Tongues ----- 203
Tonsure, Phallic -   256

Tonsure is circumcised Phallus - 256


Tools required   in Eden   -   -   173

Torquemada   -   -   -   -   199

Tortoise worship, Phallic   -   -   18

Tortoise, phallic symbol, Testudo

139. 230

Tortoise bears the world   -   -   18

Tortoise head, the Phallus 18,

139. 230

Totemism and Exoyamy, Frazer -   6

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Re: Symbolism in relation to religion Hannay, James Ballantyne 1912
« Reply #65 on: March 04, 2018, 04:14:55 PM »

Tree, man's first Church 16-17, 50



Tree, meeting place, dwelling place
of God, Pliny, Glover, Gra-
ham -   16-17

Tree, Forlong .   -   -   -   50

Tree, Green, Phallic worship 17,

140, 223, 229, 242
Tree is a Temple, a shrine, Pliny,

Glover, Graham -   -   - 17

Tree of life, Adam free to eat 17 5-176
Tree of Life -   -   17

Tree and Phallus -   -   17,   154

Tree worship. Phallic -   -   -   17

Tree stem, Phallus and Serpent   -   61

Tree stump—Lingam   17, 61

Trent Council on Eucharist -   - 316

Tribal fear of God identical with

Christian -   -   -   14

Trident, Phallic Emblem -   - 24

Trinity, Joseph, Mary and Babe


Trident, Trisul, all triple symbols

34- 3*8

Trinity made from Yahwch, re-
markable volte face -
Trinity in Unity, creative phrase
24, 162, 238,
Trinity, none in New Testament
nor in Old Testament -
Trinity, woman disguised as Holy

Trinity, Mystery of -
Trinity, Father, Mother and

Son ---   -   274-275

Trinity in Unity, intensely Phal -

lie   -   -   -   -   24

Trinity, woman disguised as



• 3*4




Tripple Cross in Heraldry
Triple emblems, Phallic,











Trisul of India, Phallic
Trisool, Tree of Life -
True Cross -
Tsur, Zur or Sar 88, 241, 252,
Tsur, Eduth, Shechina and Yah-

weh, all the same -   - 254

Twelve is a solar number (months)
applied to all solar heroes or


Twins, Romulus and Remus
Typhon and Osiris
Tammut and Nergal
Ormuzd or Ahura Mazda
and Arihman
Python and Apollo
Castor and Pollux -   228-289

Twins, one kills the other, then
founds a city   -   -   289

Twins—Gemini -   126

Twin God -   126

Two Babylons, Hislop   6,   117.

321,   etc.

Two sexes required for Creation

36. 37» *99. 387. 388
Tylor, Primitive Culture, etc. 6, 266

Tyndall, Prof. -   344

Typhon -   -   -   - 110, 163

Tzar, from Tzur, a Rock or
Phallus -   241, 252

Tzur Apis   •   -   -   - 259


Uaser, Asar, Osiris -   223

Uma, Alma -   -   -   -   23

Uma, child in her lap   -   -   -   48

Uma or Ooma, Mother or Womb 23
Uma is Mother of God of the Mar -

iolators -   -   -   -   48

Uma, same as all Mothers of God

(List) -   -   -   -   48

Uma is Holy Ghost -   -   - 48

Uma greater than God, sets him

into action   -   -   - 4S

Uma equal to God-head, Creation
cannot be accomplished with -
out her   47-48

Unbaptised infants burn in Hell
fire for ever, Augustine's
terrible doctrine -   -   -   328

Unconquered Sun, Birthday, Nata -
lis Invicta Solis J-   -   -   m

Unction, extreme ... 258
Under every green tree 17, 140,

229, 242

Universe, sequence of events -   1

Unseen beings -   -   -   -   1

Upon every high hill and under
every green tree—Phalli 140.

229, 242

Usertesen I dancing before Min


Use of miraculous is basis of reli -


u y *»

Various Authors of Old Testament
narratives skilfully inter -
woven   -   -   -   *157

Variation of Vowels -   -   - 27

Vater, J. S., Bible Criticism   - 152

Vatican, Soter Kosmoi -   '84

Venereal disease, cause of hatred
of women -   230-235

Venereal disease, known in China
2347 b.c.   -   -   -   - 23 r

Venice, Bone Cave, early Phallic
symbol   -   -   -   - 39

Ventriloquist, Belly-voiced   -   12

Venus -   -   -   -   “48

Venus, day and month made "un-
lucky” -   -   - 292

Venus is Benoth as V and ft are
identical and also S and Th - 225
Venus is Holy Ghost (all Queens
of Heaven are Holy Ghost) 322
Venus, female, in evening and male
in morning •   •   • 325

Venus represents Kteis or YoniJ 24



m Venus’ shrine now dedicated to

Mary .... 147
Venus, Temple of, in Jerusalem -147
Venus Urania -   -   -   -   163

Vesica Piscis -   -   -   62,   215

V.N.S. and B.N.T. mean to pro-
create children -   -   -   225

Virgin is Holy Ghost -   - 322

Virginity of maidens as offering to
Astarte or Myllitta—great
licentiousness -   -   -   225

Virgin   -   -   -   >163

Virgin, nude and sacred serpents,
Rome   -   -   -   - 89

Virgo intacta systrum or ladder,

anything barred -   -   -   70

Vine symbol, Jesus the Vine,   Bac -

chus, Jove, the same. Sun


Virgin Mary, Temple of the Trinity 325
Virgo and Aries in Jewish miracle


Virgin birth -   -   -   307-308

Virgin carried bodily to Heaven - 257
Virgin of Israel is mother of sun

like Dolphin   - 250

Virgin of Israel “ Behold a Virgin

shall conceive"   - 250, 276

Virgin Mary, Holy Ghost (Cardi-
nals Wiseman and New -
man)   -   275

Virgin, Queen of the air, Holy
Ghost. More holy than
Father or Son. Blasphemy not

forgiven. Mother of all Gods 325
Virgin Mary, Tabernacle of the
Holy Ghost :: -   -   - 325

Virgin Mary, saw no corruption - 257
Virgo, Sun in Virgo in Autumn - 248
Virgo, Virgin of Israel   -   - 250

Vishnuvasor Vishnavas -   -   34

Vishnu -   -   -   -   - no

Vishnu, Female energy (Phallic)


Vishnu personifies Yoni -   33, 35

Vishnu represented by Krishna
and his wives and mistresses 35
Voice in Ionian Sea. Great Pan

is dead .... 346
Vowels* variation of -   -   -   27

Vulcanalia -   -   -   92

“ W "

Wake. Stanisland, Christianity,

Phallic -   -   -   25, 257

Walking naked in India -   -   44

Ward, Re*. W., Phallism in India, 36
Ward on vaishnavas -   -   36

Wasted lives of Clergy, Ruskin

340, 341

Waters of Babylon *   -   163

Waters, Brooding on   -   168

Waters dividing -   -   - 371


Water on World insufficient for

flood *   195

Waste of good endeavour in
teaching, Mirophilic religions
(Ruskin)   -   -   -   340,   341

Wales, Phallic pillars in -   -   57

Water refreshing Lingam, hood -

ing Altars -   -   -   -   51

Wax models of Phalli, Isernia - 94
Week day names -   -   - 10$

Week is quarter of Moon -   - 123

Wedding in India, gross songs

sung by women -   -   -   46

Westrotrs Phallicism   -   24

Wette, De, Bible Criticism *   - 152

Why Birthday of Jesus was
changed from Equmox to Sols -
tice   -   -   hi,   115,   329

Wilbeforce, Bishop, exorcising

Ghosts   -   -   -   -   14

Wife and Mother of Gods   261-165

Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, quoted - 35*5
W'ilkins, Rev. W. G. -   -   -   36

Wilson, Doctor, wise words lor

women -   -   -   356-357

Wilson on Hindu sects   -   -   36

Window with dove hatching out

life, Auxerre—Didron 164, 322
Winged Globe or Solar disc -   - 116

Wintry negation, Sterility and
Death -   -   -   -202

Williams, Sir Monier   -   -   36

Winter and Summer—Hell and

Paradise -   -   -   -15

Wisdom, Serpent, symbol of 52-53
Wise as serpents -   -   -   5 2

Wiseman, Cardinal, Virgin Mary
is Holy Ghost   -   -   -275

Wishing a wish on seeing New Moon 87
Witches -   -   -   -   7, 12

Witness and phallus, same 139, 140
Wives lent and exchanged in Old
Testament -   236

Woman and Svastika   -   -   164

Woman cause of all sin   -   -   164

Womb, symbols of, 18, 23, 26, 48,

51. 60, 63, 70

Woman, debasement of, 163, 169,

177, 186, 375, 326
Woman door of Hell, Lecky - 186
Woman as goods   -   327

Women, hatred of, Marinetti - 187
Woman with cup, Babylonian and
Roman -   -   *   -7 r

Woman, Temple of Life to   come   - 323

Woman in Trinity, astounding
blasphemy (Scotch opinion,
Hislop) -   275

Woman in Godhead -   -   -   24

Woman, none in Milton's Heaven - 275
Woman out of Rib, Rib is Mother
of World -   274

Woman obliterated in Old Testa -
ment, re-established in New
Testament -   -   - 169-170



Woman, Peor or Ark, blamed for
disease -   -   165, 230-234

Woman, or Womb, symbols of 18,

23, 26, 48, 51, 60, 63, 70

Woman with bowl, Irish Church,

Greek, etc.   -   -   "63

Woman in God -head -   -   -   24

Woman, Womb -man. Womb de -
rived from Om (Saxons added


Women unclean. Job -   -   165

Women-children. Kept for

Yahweh -   -   -   - 213

Women sang outrageously gross

songs -   -   -   -   46

Women tearing their hair -   -   297

Wood, touch, to ward off evil -   13

Worship of diverse objects -   -   i

Worship of Host of Heaven often

mentioned -   -   -   - 261

Worship of the Lamb -   304

Worship of the Nude in Europe -   44

Worship of Nude Woman (Tantrie) 42
Worship of Priapus   24, 28, 50

Word made flesh   -   -   - 155

Word made flesh, sarx, Bosheth,
shameful thing of Old Testa-
ment -   -   -   - 314

Word derivation   -   -   240, 241

Work, curse of   -   -   -175



Yahweh, Jehovah, Adonai -   - 155

Yahweh is masculinity in its most

stormy and malignant form - 319
Yahweh Godhead, no Woman pos -

sible in -   -   -   -   319

Yahweh as Siva   -   -   -   213

Yahweh has wife and son *27$
Yahweh Yirea like Siva, Fury and


Yahweh Yirea   4

Yashar, Bashar, or Bosheth - 223
Year, New, erroneously fixed by

Julius Caesar   -   -   -   125

Year, New, celebration -   - 121

Years, days, and hours all same - 196
Yima creates with ring and dagger 55
Yima's Garden, Eden   -   -   55

Yin-yang, Lingam-Yoni, China


Yogi 11 i..........................42

Yokel grinning through Horse

Collar -   -   -   '43

Yoni, female reproductive organ 23
Yoni is the Horse Shoe   -   -   43

Yoni. Iona, Jona, Juno, D'Iun6,

dove -   -   -   -   -   27

Yoni personified by girl in Sakti 42
Yoni personified by Vishnu -   33:

Yoni, symbols of   -   -   26,   49

Yoni worship, widespread, Britain 43
Yoni worship, Sakti   -   36,   42

Young age pensions -   -   '356

Ya Ava   -   -   *   156,   173

Yahweh, Anglice Jehovah 154, 156
Yahweh and Phallus were rivals,

900 years   -   -   -   222,   254   !

Yahweh as Butcher and Furrier - 179
Yahweh, shechina and Eduth the


Yahweh expunged from New Tes-
tament appears dimly as Kur-   ;

ios, Theos, Logos, or Sarx, in
New Testament   -   313-314

Yahweh A16im   -   -   -   -   157

Yahweh's forgetfulness: "There   j

was not a man to till the j
ground ...   - 175 j

Yahweh, Character   of   -   -   210

Yahweh's first prophecy fails - 176
Yahweh or Iah, variations -   -156

Yahweh as Iah, in Hebrew names

156, 286-287
Yahweh introduced death to Eden 179
Yahweh jealous of knowledge - 180

“ Z"

- 172,

Zakia Pir, worship of -
Zeu pittar -
Zeug, Covenant and Phallus
Zeus -

Zenith at Elam, Babylonia
Zimmern -
Zipporah or Sephora

Zodiac, Chinese
Zodiac, Modern
Zodiacs and Religion
Zodiacal signs, guide details of sun
worship, but Hebrews were
ignorant of Zodiacal details,
hence their stories were mud -


Zoroaster, suffering sons, like
Jove -   -   -   . - 136

Zur, Tsur or Sur -   88, 241, 252