Jah, see Iah - 253
Jahweh Nissi, Rod of God - - 253
Jakin, and Boaz - - - 256
Jealousy laws, Phallic - - 232
Jealously of Gods, of man attain-
ing knowledge - - - 179
Jealousy of Gods, of man attain-
ing Eternal Life - - 179
‘ ehovah and the Phallus rivals 222
Jehovah, Jah or Iah - - 155
Jehovah, Character of - - 210
j eremiah, a Nabi or mad Mullah • 263
Jeremiah put in the stocks - - 263
Jerome, ten forms of Old Testa-
ment - - - - 199
changed text more than
others - I99-200
Jerome's fatal iron rule most evil
world has seen - - - 199
Jerome, father of Ecclesiastical
science - - - - 201
Jerome on Baal-peor - - 255
Jerome's rule caused ” Wintry
Negation, Sterility and
death” (in religion) - - 200
Jerome says Baal-poer was Pria-
Jerusalem a museum of Religions 261
High places for religious pro-
Groves on every Hill and under
every green tree
Burned incense
Molten images, Calves
Host of heaven
Sons and daughters through fire
Sun worship
Observed times
Used enchantments.
Familiar spirits
Asher Peor - * 261,262,263
Jerusalem conquered by Tiglath
Pileser Nebuchadnezzar, Shi-
shak, Syrians, Philistines,
Senachenb, Necho - - 146
Jerusalem destroyed - 146
erusalem far from sea, forgot to
create fishes ... 176
Jerusalem, over thirty sackings
and pillagings and destruc-
tion of sacred records - - 146
Jerusalem population deported - 147
Tersualem, Siege of Titus - - 147
Jerasalem, Temple often destroyed
Jesus a Common name - - 302
JesusaNabi, Nazarite or Nazarene
263, 279
Jesus, a priest after the order of
Melchizedek - 294
Jesus a Sun Myth variant
in, 114, 314
Jesus and Christna parallels 281-284
Jesus and John, Sun’s Attributes 266
Jesus and Mercury both Logos—
Phallic - - - - 135
Jesus and Perseus - - * 136
esus and Peter, denial same as
Prometheus and Oceanu9,
500 years before Jesus - - 302
Jesus ana Sons of Jove - - 13 5
Jesu9 and the Sun, Comparative
table - - - - 314
Jesus as pisces Fish miracles
280-283, 291
^ esus absorbed Jahweh - 313-314
" esus and Serapis - - - 214
] esus as Bridegroom 39, 114, 123
Jesus became a " pretender ” to
Jewish Kingdom. Promised
gifts of land and houses like
all pretenders to a throne - 271
Jesus beginning to be called God,
300 a.d. - - - - 149
Jesus' Birthday changed from
September to December - 115
Jesus* Birthday date totally un-
known - - - - 115
Jesus born in a Cave, Dawn - 299
esus born in October (Jewish
New Year). Romans changed
birthday to the birthday of
the invincible sun " Natalis
Invicta Solis" as all Pagan
Gods (Sun Gods) were bom
on that day 25th December
115. 329
Jesus crucified on Cross of Heavens 1x2
esus entirely a Myth, Drews
« 334 & 5*I-
Jesus, follower of Siddartha - 271
- 299
- *73
Jesus, his Mother knew nothing of
his miraculous birth, (No
Immaculate Conception) * 298
Jesus his own father - - 136
esus, human basis, brothers and
sisters - - . - 277
iesus is Mess jah, son of Jehovah - 279
esus in tomb 40 hours - 196, 313
esus, Mary, Joseph, Trinity, - 170
esus, life, dates, taxing - * ~ ~
Jesus* life had to conform to Sun
Myth, otherwise would not
be accepted -
Jesus* life one year only
Jesus looked for immediate King-
dom - - - -
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, New Trinity 326
esus Myth in three stages:
(1) Prophet martyred or expelled
(2) Mirophily incrusts his mem-
ory with miracles
(3) Story made basis of a creed 277
Jesus, Sun at Equinox (Astrono-
mical parallels) - - 284, 314
Jesus nothing more than man
Jesus Myth -
Jesus, no contemporary men-
tions him -
Jesus, ordinary man to Cerinth-
ians Docetes, Marcionites, and
early sects - - 278, 299
Jesus' pale wraith clothed with
shreds of Asiatic Sun Myths
Jesus same as Sons of Jove -
Jesus, Son of Joseph, real man
Jesus as Logos Phallic
Jesus suckled by his wife -
esus, varieties of spelling -
esus, Jezua, Joshua, Jason
ethro, not Jahweh, taught Moses 146
ews Austere, Christians lax - 203
ews' children stronger than Gen-
tiles, Dr. Hall - - 186-187
Jews condemn woman for “ Fall "
(but fruit not denied to her)
180, 184
Jewish customs, gods, etc., see
Jews* despisal of women 165, 170,
177, 274, 292, 318, 325
Jews dispersed after Jesus made a
break in their religious ideas -
Tews followed common cults
Jew's self-esteem -
Jews* idea polytheistic 140, 157,
Jews* God, Eduth, Shekinah, Tsur
or Yahweh - 254
Jews’ phallic feast - - ’ - 225
Jewish religion, right hand cult - 220
Jewish Scriptures, originals sent to
Bruchium Library, Alexandria 148
Jewish this “ world-liness" good
effect - - - - 186
Jezebel, 400 Grove priests - - 224
- 277
JHVH and Asher (phallus) the
same, JHVH. Phallic - 155
Job is a fragment of a Sun Myth.
Seven sons. Seven summer
months. Slain by cold blasts
of winter, next year sons all
round Job again - - 265
, ob Redeemer, mistranslation - 276
, ob. Sun Myth - - 196, 265
] ob's God. El Shadai, phallic - 153
’ ohn is Oannes, Babylonian - 328
] onah in Whale's belly 40 hours,
3 days and 3 nights - - 355
Jonah like Jesus 40 hours Solstice
(led to Holy number 40)
Jonah sun myth, death and re-
birth of the Sun, Greek coins 265
Jonah is Iona, dove, rendered
masculine - - - - 324
Jones, Sir Wm„ on Sun Worship - 128
osephus mentions ten men named
Jesus - - - 302
Josephus sent Hebrew Bible to
Rome - - - 147
Joshua's stone Phallus hears
(witness testimony, Testis
Phallus) - - - 254, 255
^ osiah, Sun worship - - - u8
’ osiah's Phallic oath - - 261
[osiah's Temple, Sun worship - 261
] osiah, Torah of Yah-weh - - 145
[osiah, Host of Heaven - - 261
[ ove, Sons of, partial list - - 136
[ ulius Caesar reforms the Calendar 124
[ uno - - - - - 48
[ uno, Argonian- - - - 89
’ uno generates Soul - - 169, 324
" uno imparts soul - - - 163
[ upiter, Iu Pittar - no, 113, 155
[ upiter had a human origin - 277
Jupiter, "Mother*' of the Gods- 325
[ ust, or Justice, Egypt 79, 140
[ ustice, Libra, scales, phallus,
balance. Phallus in Egypt 255
Justin Martyr - 135, 208, 330, 337
Juvehal ----- 327
" ‘K "
Kadesh, Sodomite or consecrated
Kadeshah, Harlot or Consecrated
woman (so. nuns and harlots
were identical) - - - 225
Kaiser, derived from Kisares - 240
Kaiser’s soldiers stacking arms
round and against altar 183, 240
Kalisch, Dr. (Babel story) - 205
Kalisch, Worship of Astarte,
Beltis (mylady)Tannais, Ishtar,
Mylitta, Anaitis, Ashera and
Virginity of Maidens as an
offering .... 225
Karma - « - - - 34
Kali - - - - 35* 43
Keen or Yang or Phallus in
China - 99
Kelvin, Faith above Science - 114
Kempfen on Kwan Yon - - 102
Kennard, H. Martyn - - 307
Kephalos - - - - - no
Keys of the Creeds (Phallism) - 42
Khuen-Aten or Akhnaton - - 290
Kia-Zi, Kaisar, Kisares, Caesar,
King James'translators dishonest 159
King Edward VII papyrus - - 79
King L. W. Gnostics 33, 67, 115,
170, 345
Kingdom, Not the Kingdom of
God but that of man will be
great theme and care of the
race. Bishop Carpenter - 341
Kirk or Church, derived from Circle 131
Kitto’s Biblical Cyclopaedia - 70
Knight, Payne, Priapus 24, 26,
50, 85, 87, 88, 90. 93, 96-98, etc.
Knop or bud is the phallus - - 332
Know, means sexual intercourse - 53
Knowledge and sex instinct - 53
Knowledge and Puberty - - 52
Knowledge, short cut to - 1, 2
Krishna - - - - 116, 129
Krishna and Christ - 280, 283
Krishna, wives and mistresses,
Vishnu - - 35, 42, 189
Kubele, see Cybele
Khu-en-Aten or Akhnaton 117, 127
Kunda Well, Female emblem - 43
Kunti, Wife of Sun - - - 43
Kunti, Kunthos, Cythus—Yoni - 43
Kurios - 107, 157
Kwan Yon, 33,333 images of - 103
Kwan Yon, ail symbols 101, 103
Kwan Yon, Queen of Heaven,
China and Japan - - 101
Kwang or Yoni in China - - lot
L and R represented by one sign - 138
Labour, Curse of 175, 178
Ladder - - - - - 70
Lajard Culte de Venus - - 67
Lamb aries, obliterated or slain
by the Sun - - 248, 284
Lamb on Cross till 692 a.d.. Sun
in Aries. Man on Cross after
692 - - - - 304. 305
Lamb, burnt offering - - 284
Lamb or Ram - 127
Lamb, Worship of - 284, 305
Lamma of Tibet, Soldiers destroy
Bible - 147
Lamps and Candles are Pagan
relics of Sun worship - - 258
Lanzoni - - - 73, 77
Lao Tsze and Confucius - - 347
Lao Tsze, Idealist Tolstoyan, Con-
fucius, Practical, sane, vig-
orous - - - 347-348
Lao Tsze, Path, Truth, Light, and
First cause ... 347
Lares and Penates merely stones
(Phalli and Omphs) - - 89
Lares of Romans - - - 216
Larissa - - - - - 89
Larissa from Lars, Laz, Luz, the
wanton one, loose one - - 216
Larissa, Lares and Issa, Bisexual 156
Larissa means vessel of fecundity 216
Laristan, Louristan, Louri - - 216
Larousse, Phallus, and Yahweh
rivals .... 222
Latin day names still legal in
Britain - - - - 105
Laws communicated personally by
Leaf, triform, as Phallic signature 103
Leaping and playing, Phallic 236, 238
Left hand and right hand sects
36, 47-49
Lenticular openings indicate the
Womb - - - - 60
Lesbos medal, Knight - 87-88
Leslie, Col. Forbes, Horse shoe in
Church -
Letters, equivalence of - 27,
Licentious gaiety at Phallic festi-
vals - - 90, 91
Liberty -----
Liberalia - - - - 92,
Libidinous songs, Holi Festival -
Libra, Ballance, Scales, male
organ -
Libra, the scales, is Phallic 79,
Life in Ancient Egypt
Life of Jesus interwoven with Fish
miracles (Pisces) 291 et seq,
Life, succession of, suggests eternal
Life Eternal, associated with re-
production *
Life, symbols of
Life, Worship of Tree of Life at
Light and darkness -
Light is joy or good -
Light of Britannia
Linen, Clean Eucharist
Lingah—Persian Gulf
Lingam in Goddesses* hands
and Japan
Lingam line inclosing God
Lingam, Male organ -
Lingam or Phallus, Siva
Lingam, Symbols of - 26-27, 48-49
Lingam, Tree stump apd serpent - 17
Lingam-Yoni - 86-88
- 171
- 93
- 3l<5
- 216
* 103
- 66
Lingam-Yoni Altar • 30, 52
Lingam-Yoni altar with Bull - 52
Lingam-Yoni altar with Serpent 53
Lingam-Yoni as Crux Ansata 75-76
Lingam-Yoni in Egypt - - 75
Lingam-Yoni, Sun and Serpent
Lingam-Yoni Worship in Ire-
land - - - - 96
Living Stones 131. 252, 253, 254, 255
Lockyer, Sir J. Norman 130, 133
Logos - - - 135,259
Loisy - - - - *145
Lord, God, Tree stump, post,
pillar, Ram, and Phallus,
were the same «- - - 154
Lord, mistranslation - - - 12
Lord’s supper always existed as
Eucharist - - - - 16
Loss of Good Endeavour, Ruskin 341
Lotus means all fertility - - 55
Lotus, universal Phallic symbol - 55
Lotus bud, Male - 18, 55, 49
Lotus bud on Hebrew Candlestick 332
Lotus flower, female - 18, 55
Lotus seed vessel and bud is womb
and Phallus - - - 49
Louri, a place devoted to Phallism 216
Louri, Phallic - - - - 69
Louristan, Laristan - - - 69
Love has no place in Bible - - 326
Luck is seeing nude female 43, 87, 123
Lecky, woman, door of Hell - x86
Lupercalia - - - *93
Luz - - - - - 215
LXX, Septuagint Bible - - 148
Lyall - - - - - 10
Ma of Kappokia had 6,000 Eunuch
Priests ... - 184
Maccabi wars - 146
McClatchey in China, Phallic name
of God ... 99-100
Madonna del sacco - - - 69
Maffei, Phallic cult - - - 85
Magistrates issued Phallic medals
Magistrates erect Phallic emblems
in Ireland - - - - 96
Magistrates solemnly erected
Phallic emblems in Europe in
Middle Ages - - - 94
Maha Deva, Lingam-Yoni Altar - 30
Mahommet - - - - 10
Male organ, Lingam - - - 23
Male represented by Fleur de Lys,
Ivy leaf - - - - 24
Male, reproductive organ, symbols
Mallock, W. H. - - - 20
Man always mortal - - 182
Man always suffers from God's
mistakes - v - * 180-181
Man did not lose eternal life - 182
Man gives Gods wives and offspring 22
Man impatient for knowledge 1-2
Man is God's equal in knowledge
after eating fruit (low concep-
tion of a God) - 179
Man nailed to cross, not adopted
till 9th Century a.d., adopted
very slowly - - 304-305
Man placed adoring Cross 692
a.d., before that a lamb - 304
Man, Perfect Phallic - - 256
Man, symbols of - - - 70
Man on Cross, Pagan - 305
Man the Maker (Gods masculine) 318
Man thinks, therefore his God
thinks - - - - 22
Man worshipping Female Symbols 67
Man's dual mind 1
Manasseh, sun Worship - -261
Manetho ----- 148
Marcion ----- 200
Marduck, Mcrodach - - - 192
Marduck slays Tihamat - - 192
Marinetti, Signor, Hatred of
women - - - 187
Marriage in India, Oman - - 46
Mars, Phallic, of Campus Martis - 60
Martyrs, Fictitious, “ Bene Mer-
enti" changed to M Beato
Martyro" - - - - 330
Martyr, Justin - 135, 208, 330, 337
Mary and Eve - 163
Mary is Queen of Heaven - - 137
Mary Magdalene, Goddess of
Mary Magdalene is Venus with
deadly Love Symbol Skull - 234
Mary as dawn, Mother of the Sun-
god .........................hi
Mary, Mother of Jesus, and Mary
Magdalene his wife, or love - 296
?uia Multum Amavit - - 296
ammuz and Ishtar - - 296
May, Venus' month, unlucky - 292
Masculine Trinity, unnatural - 319
Masoretic division of Bible text - 173
Maspero, Excommunication - 276
Mass of people cling to super-
stitions - - - - 33
Materialists and Idealists arrive at
the same conclusions - 334-335
Matriarchy - - - - 48
Maurice's Indian Antiquities 117, 294
May pole is Asher or Phallus - 229
Maya is Holy Ghost - - 48
Maya, Mother of Sun, Dawn - 111
Maya or Maia - - - - 48
Meaningless words used as dis-
guise of Phallism - - - 12
Melchizedek is the year, or 'one
round of the Sun - 114, 260,
Mellita means Mediatrix, like
Mary - 170
Mellytta worshipped in Germany,
Britain, and all over Europe
and Asia—Holy Ghost - - 323
Membrum Feminum, Symbols of - 26
Memorial ----- 228
Men rise again with their bodies
impossible, no carbon to go
round - 340
If bodies accumulated earth
would reach beyond the Sun
(Herschel) - 340
Mens' names derived from God
names - 241
Mercury - - - 84, no
Merit in belief without proof - 2
Merodach - - - - -no
Mess, Application of - 285-286
Mess means son of, out of, in the
middle of and the early ideo -
gram was a woman being
delivered of a child - - 285
Messiah is Mess, son of, and Iah,
Jehovah, Son of an effete
tribal god, replaced by Christ,
the anointed one - 285, 287
Messiahs, List of 307, 310
Messiahs, modern, Greece - - 286
Messianic believers in Jesus' time 272
Messianic period, rise of - 346
Messianic promise, Gen. 3. 15. too
gross for translation - *239
Metallic Phalli, of Romans - - 93
Metempsychosis - - 34-35
Mexican Sun Worship - - 130
Miamonides - - - - 144
Mical rebukes David - -236
Midianite women—children for
Yahweh's use - - - 213
Midianite Women, Phallic plague - 230
Midianite Women, Slaughter of - 213
Migration of symbols - - 9
Milton, no woman in his Heaven - 274
Milton's Insulse rule 41, 203, 253
Min, David dances before min or
Min, Statues in enormous num-
bers - - - - 81, 238
Min was the Grove, Asher, or Baal
of Jerusalem - 239
Maiden Goddesses and zeus - 85
Minerva - - - - "85
Minor Gods of Greece - - 85
Minoan Great Mother - - 169
Minos - - - - - no
Minucius Felix, crucifix - - 304
Miracles asserted after death
of Heroes - - - - 10
Miracle Play of Hebrews - 244, 250
Miraculous authority required
for Religion - - 4, 14
Miraculous Conception - 294, 307
Miraculous used in religion - - 2
Miraculous necessary to religion - 280
Miriam - - - - *48
Mirodox ----- 6